10 | #awkward #[ship name with levi]

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"I'm sorry Marco, you know, that it didn't work out and stuff," Krista apologized, sighing in distress. She twiddled with the ends of her binder, picking off the edges stitching.

"It's alright. Hey, Jean and I have gotten closer, plus, he is really pissed off at Mikasa, so usually I help him, and he appreciates it. It doesn't matter if we are together or not," Marco explained, grinning. Krista giggled.

"Well that's good, at least! I hope you have a wonderful time with your new best friend," she smiled. Marco thanked her and they went their separate ways.

. . . . .

"Alright," Ms. C said, loud and annoyingly. "I still need to call up groups for their projects. Group Seven, please step up." She sat on her desk, which was filled with mugs and things to do with old, boring bands. I stood up with the rest of my team: Levi, Eren, Armin, Sasha and Krista. Ms. C looked at her paper, then sighed. "Your problem is relationships."

My heart sunk. I knew all eyes were on me already. I looked down, reviewing my messed-up relationship I had with Eren, and then Levi. Everyone practically knew about my stupid life and fucked up problems between boys. I could tell Eren was looking down, mad as hell, and I could see from the corner of my eye, Levi looking bored and tired as ever. Sasha looked over to me, and so did Krista. They instantly averted their eyes away one I shot a deadly glance at them, puffing the hair out of my face. I didn't hear what Ms. C said during my thoughts. "—you have to resolve the relationship, let's say your characters get in a fight."

"Relationships as in dating... or?" Krista trailed off.

"Dating, yes," Ms. C responded, nodding sternly. Fuck you, I thought. She continues on, saying it was due Thursday, and saying we had to do it at home and shit. Minutes passed, glances were made, and finally the bell rang. Everyone lost control and started to yell and run to the halls, packing to go home.

"So, my house?" Eren asked everyone, gathering their things and getting prepared to leave. Krista and Sasha nodded, while Levi and I ignored him and went out of the room. Armin nodded and said some stuff to Eren. "SEVEN O'CLOCK!" He yelled after me and Levi. I rolled my eyes and wanted to just go freaking home.

. . . . .

"Okay everybody! Gather over here," Armin said, motioning for all of us to go near him and the tripod. He held a recorder camera in his two hands, while Sasha held the papers with the expectations on them. We all walked up to him. "Today's scenes is when the girl and the guy are having a good, stable relationship... they hug, hold hands, kiss, exedra. The guy will be Eren," Armin said, pointing to his friend. "And the girl will be [Y/N]  ," he said. I looked at him like he was a little kid who just said a cuss word. "I'm sorry," he mouthed, tiny so no one else would notice. My feet felt heavy and I just wanted to get out of Eren's huge, damn backyard. "Sasha will stay here, directing you guys and telling you your lines and whatnot, Krista will be the costume and makeup designer, and Levi will inspect anything wrong, while I will be the camera man," Armin finished, securing the camera on the tripod. "Remember: this project is four-hundred points; plus it's taken as an assessment! That means its seventy percent of your grade!"

"Thanks for scaring me!" Sasha pouted, eating Ruffles potato chips. I pouted like her, annoyed that I had to fake a romance with him. Why did we have to date? Why couldn't we stay best friends? Why is he such a cheater?!

"Krista," Armin said, holding her petite shoulders. "Get an outside-time outfit or something. Today's scenes will be climbing on trees and walking next to rivers." Krista nodded, then went inside Eren's house, searching for the specific clothes in her huge dressing-line of clothes she brought. "Sasha," Armin turned back to her. "What scene is first?"

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now