5 | The Blood of a Blonde Boy

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So, I changed the perspective from 2nd person to 1st, I hope that's okay. It's still x Reader!


It's all so complicated. Eren or Levi? The adorable turquoise-eyed best friend or the French sexy jock? I felt guilty. Really guilty of two nights ago. What if Eren finds out? Our relationship and friendship will be ruined for eternity. I have to choose someone, or I'll be known as the 'Untrustworthy Girlfriend'. I could imagine all of their stupid voices now, calling me that. Why am I so stupid? I accepted to date my love but love someone else? Way to go, {Y/N}. You just haaddd to go that far with Levi, didn't you?

"{Y/N}, something wrong?" I heard a voice in the distance. Levi's voice to be exact. I turned around to see Levi getting up from the last stair step to the entrance of the school, and meeting me at the top, still outside. People walked by us either talking about how attractive Levi is, or wondering who the hell I am.

"Is it that obvious?" I said, sighing. He took a look at me from up and down, and I rolled my eyes. I wore plaid pajama pants with a random flowy black shirt on. My hair was in the messiest bun possible, and I practically looked like a zombie. I sighed and got on with the explanation. "I feel really bad and guilty right now. I'm dating Eren and I just went ahead and had sex with you. I'm just a stupid, bad person and I don't even know who the hell to choose, and—"

Levi walked up casually and hugged me, to shut me up. I hugged back tightly, needing help or advice. A couple of my friends walked by, and Levi noticed this, because he started to speak in French so they don't know what we were talking about. "Je suis désolé, que nous sommes allés trop loin. Tu ne dois pas me choisir, c'était une chose de temps et je sais que vous êtes avec Jaeger. (I'm sorry we went too far. You don't have to choose me, it was a one-time thing and I understand you're with Jaeger)"

I nodded that I knew what he said, and answered back. "Mais Levi, tu me fais Plaisir et je t'aime aussi, comme je l'aime. (But Levi, you make me happy and I love you equally as I love him)"

"Seule votre decision peut vous aider, {Y/N}. (Only your decision can help you, {Y/N})"

. . . . .

Oh my god, Hanji thought. They're hugging! I have to take a picture... Hanji took a picture of Levi and {Y/N} from a nearby bush, and grinned to herself. This is so adorable. She went on Instagram and posted it, with a caption that read: AWWWWWWW :D

. . . . .

"Alright, Eren! Time for lunch!" I said as I sat down at the outside picnic table. "How romantic is this?" I teased, motioning for Eren to sit next to me.

"Very romantic: a fabulous view of the parking lot," he joked back, sitting by my side. "But at least there are trees and that little mountain miles away." I nodded and looked back at it. It was pretty, but so far away. He then brushed my loose hair out of my face, and looked down at my collar and neck. "What's this?" He asked, concerned. I looked down the best I could when I realized he was looking at the spot where Levi left a hickey. Well shit.

"Oh, it's just a bruise from Track," I nervously said, shaking his hand off of it.

"Are you sure? It looks like there's bite marks—"

"Yes! I'm sure!" I said, faking a smile at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Hold on {Y/N}, I have to buy lunch... I'll be right back." He then walked away.

"Okay!" I exclaimed, smiling nervously at him. Before he left he planted a kiss to my head. I couldn't help but feel guilty again. Goddammit Levi, why do I love you as much as I do Eren?! I began unwrapping this Subway thing because I was too lazy to make lunch this morning. Before I was about to take a bite, I heard things. I set my sandwich down and listened.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now