25 | Eren Crushing, Eren Evil

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Alright (y/n). It's simple. Stop being a baby about it and man up. Just choose a damn guy! Eren or Levi. Best friend or New Friend. German Guy or French Guy. Emotional Guy or Stoic Guy. Cute Guy or Sexy Guy. A Liar-That-Didn't-Really-Turn-Out-As-A-Liar or Liar-That-Apologized. GAHHHH, I don't know where I'm going with this! I shuffle my feet as I walk the empty sidewalks to my house. I keep imagining scenarios in my head, my happy ending with either Eren or Levi. Both of them are evenly beautiful and sweet. But Levi was right... I can only truly love one person. Does that mean... I don't truly love any of them if it's so hard to choose?

Maybe I just haven't found out my fate. Yeah, that's right. When I turn to my neighborhood, I hear a ping! from my phone. I quickly take it out of my back pocket, when I read the text I received.

507-365-1843: Levi seems like a perfect choice, don't you think? We don't know when Eren will turn away from you... -R

I slam my phone on the grass as I hold my head. Is R saying Eren will turn back from me? Why is R always suggesting Levi out of everyone else? Who the hell is R?? I pick up the phone again to see the number. It looked like a regular one as I pressed call. When I did, it automatically changed by itself, leaving me to call 911 instead of the other number. I quickly hung up before they answered. I tried the old fashioned way as I memorized the digits and typed them in. I called, seeing if anyone would pick up. After a half a minute of ringing, a robot answered the phone.

We're sorry. The number you have dialed: 507-365-1843 is no longer in service. If you feel that you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again.

I hung up after that, not even bothering to try anymore. I want to find out who this stupid R exactly is.


It was 8:00 PM as Eren's phone buzzed. He looked at it, as he realized he was invited to a group chat with Petra, Ymir, Sasha, Jean and Armin. He thought it was weird that Ymir invited him, he never really talked to her before, or even considered her as an acquaintance. He was surprised that she even bothered to remember his name.

Ymir: EREN


Jean: Dude stop spamming

Eren: What?

Ymir: Theres a party at my friends house he goes to a dif school u wanna come with me jean petra sasha and armin

Sasha: Wait ymir is there food

Ymir: duh it's a party

Sasha: oh ya lol

Jean: Sasha you're stupid

Sasha: -_-

Eren: okay ill go...

Armin: yep

Petra: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Eren: wait is (y/n) coming

Ymir: idk invite her if u want ill pick u up in ten minutes

Eren then called (y/n). No one answered. He called about three more times. She wouldn't answer. He was worried and wondered what she was doing. He shrugged it off.

10:05 PM

It was about two hours into the party, as everyone still had tons of energy in themselves. The talking, laughter and yelling wouldn't die down, and it seemed like it won't for a while. Ymir's friend's house was really big. He lived in one of those fancy mansion neighborhoods. Ymir was nowhere to be seen by the group, but it's not like they noticed. Armin was completely sober... unlike Petra, Jean, Sasha and Eren. Armin decided to be the responsible one, and watch over his little friends, just in case they overdosed on alcohol or did anything... without a condom or something.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now