16 | Oh Snap It's Positive

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I lay on my bed, completely miserable. I just got back from like, my 100th bathroom break today. I look through Instagram when I land on a video. It plays.

"I kinda like this girl..." the girl said. It was... Mikasa. Like a girl? She's lesbian? Aw that's cute... I thought. The video cut and she said something else on the phone, from the window distance. I had to turn my volume up. "Yeah... it's Annie... but don't tell anyone, it's the most secret thing I have ever kept to myself and only you know. If this gets out, I will die because of all these homophobic idiots at Trost High. "

She likes Annie?! I thought. Who would post this secret? I saw who posted it. It was Jean. The video had 397 likes. I checked all of the comments, and there was a ton of them.

mikasaackerman_ : WTF?! Why would you post that?!

mikasaackerman_ : I thought I deleted that from your phone, jean!

mikasaackerman_ : DELETE IT!

jean.k : revenge for breaking up with me. I never said you could @mikasaackerman_

kutiepiekrista : How did this get out????

eren_jaeger : Mikasa? I never knew you liked Annie!

mikasaackerman_ : IDK!! @kutiepiekrista

mikasaackerman_ : SHUT UP EREN IT'S NOT THE TIME @eren_jaeger

mikasaackerman_ : I thought I deleted this video!!! @kutiepiekrista

jean.k : Have you ever heard of the 'Recently Deleted' album? You only deleted it on two albums @mikasaackerman_

annie.leon2 : ...

Wow... I felt so bad for Mikasa, especially since Annie saw it. I was horrifyingly mad at Jean now. I instantly wrote a comment and posted it.

callme[y/n] : Jean... why would you do this??! I can't believe you could do this to @mikasaackerman_ you shouldn't post personal information about others for a stupid reason because she broke up with you!

I felt sick of looking down at my iPhone screen, so I went outside to get some fresh air. I sat on my front porch, letting the cool wind blow through my hair.

I felt dizzy for some reason again. I couldn't help but think about stressful things like the Eren or Levi thing on calm moments. After a while, I feel extremely hot, so I decide to sit up. Tears streamed down my face for an unknown reason. I seriously felt like I was dying.

I hear tires stopping on the ground, when I see Armin's car get pulled into my driveway. I smiled, relieved that someone was here to comfort me. He waves at me because he knows I'm looking his direction.

He finally shows up to my front porch and sits next to me. I smell Thousand Islands dressing and soup. I look down to see he was carrying a paper bag. I don't believe it's him, because I was so dizzy I couldn't tell the difference between reality and imagination anymore. I touch his hand. I feel his smooth skin. "Armin, is it really you?" I whisper. He chuckles and nods.

"I brought you food, because I heard you felt kinda bad," Armin explained. "I got Panera for you."

"Thank you," I whispered once more. I lay there, then I sniffed the air again. That food smelt good. My eyelids shot right up as I pulled his hand and went inside my partially small house. "LET'S GO! I NEED TO EAT!" I yelled as Armin was getting dragged.

I open the bag to see a really fancy looking sandwich and soup. I eat it all in no time. Armin looked at me kind of funny because I was biting the sandwich, then taking spoonful's of soup. It was kind of an awkward pattern, especially since I went kind of fast. I drank this icy cold water until it was empty, when Armin offered to fill it up again, walking to my fridge. I frantically grabbed the big Panera Bread bag when I found their complimentary bread they serve with the soup, as I munched on its hard crust to get into the spongey insides. I could tell Armin was freaked out, when he carefully set the water next to me.

He looked at me from across the island counter with wide eyes as he fiddled with his fingers. I finished the bread as I took the bag and hung it upside down, dropping down those Kettle chips. I ate those frantically, my jaws getting ached. I finished, as I sighed, settling on the bar chair. "[y/n], I'm kind of concerned about your behavior... maybe it's symptoms to something?" Armin suggested, carefully using his word choice.

I walked to the living room, where he followed. "Uhh, maybe," I said.

"Could you list your symptoms for me? Maybe I could look up what you have," Armin asked politely. I couldn't turn him down.

"I had a lot of morning sicknesses, nausea, feeling nauseous around meats, I started to urine a lot, I feel more sleepy now, I have a lot of food cravings, cramping, the one that scared me the most was mood swings, I felt angry one moment then sad the next. I burst out crying for now apparent reason. I felt super dizzy and lightheaded, and that's it," I listed it.

Saw him tap away on his phone, as I looked at his ocean blue iPhone case. I guess he tapped 'search' because it was the last thing he did. He waited, then he leaned more forward to his screen to read the words. He rubbed his eyes and read it again. He lifted his phone eye-level, then back to hovering over his lap. That's when his eyes started to widen, as his hand was shaking, about to drop the phone.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"I-I'll be right back," Armin anxiously choked out, as he clicked the power button to turn his phone off, as he jogged out of the house. Before he did, he said: "Stay here." Well, it's my house, I thought. I wondered what the disease or sickness or whatever it is was.

Ten minutes later, Armin came back panting. He used his inhaler and stood up to me, shaking my shoulders. He carefully opened his hand to reveal a... pregnancy tester. "I ran to the store... here—"

I cut him off. "W-wait... this is—"

"You know what to do, right?" He forcefully and anxiously lays it on my hands, as he pushed me to the bathroom. My eyes were watering already. My feet tripped over each other as I held the bathroom door.

"ARMIN! Are you really saying that—?"

"Just please do it, I'm very worried about you, [y/n]!" He yelled, pushing me into the bathroom more, as he closed the door shut. I stared at the Equate tester. It proudly stated on it: NEGATIVE: NOT PREGNANT POSITIVE: PREGNANT. I sat on the toilet seat, running my hands through my hair, wanting to pull it all out. I guess I had to urinate on it now...

Five minutes later, I slam open the door, to see a worried Armin, as he stood up. My eyes were filled with tears, ready to spill. My throat was absolutely dry as I ran into Armin's arms. I released my salty tears, starting to wet his polo. I guess he understood, because he kept running his fingers through my hair, repeating the words: "It'll be alright, I promise."

"I-It was p-positive," I cried out. He nodded.

"How did this happen?" He asked softly. I swallowed thickly, still sobbing.

"It was...two months ago... Levi and I... we were studying... and..." I trailed off, thinking Armin knew already. I threw the tester at the wall, then continued to cry on Armin's chest.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now