24 | Mysterious Fruit Baskets

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Skipping Friday at Trost High, The Titans visit their beloved leader, Annie Leonhart in Juvy. They all sit in front of bulletproof glass, as Annie—on the other side—sits down as the picks up the phone, as Reiner does the same. "We plan to take out our hatred on Eren Jaeger," Reiner explains. "Since it was all Mikasa's fault that you're here, we decided to take it out on her closest friend, and that's him." Bertholdt snatches the phone.

"We just don't know what to do with him," he concludes. Ymir nears her face next to the end of the device.

"He's used to torture, and he's already confused of why (y/n) is receiving gifts, like flowers and chocolates that appear in her locker," she says, looking at the expressionless Annie before them. Annie narrows her eyes once she hears about these mysterious gifts. She speaks on the other end of the line.

"Who's sending her things like that?"

"We don't know, it isn't us..." Ymir spoke truthfully, shrugging at the thought. Reiner angrily took the phone back as he puts it close to his ear.

"Should we murder (y/n)?"

"Annie already made Mikasa murder her child..." Bertholdt reminded as he looked at Reiner, pointing his finger up. Everyone could tell he felt a tiny bit bad about it.

"Eren has to pay back somehow! His little fucking sister and his stupid girlfriend were the reasons why they got Annie in jail," Reiner retorted, obviously pissed that the 'charming leader' is now shunned away from them.

"We could just murder him and say he belongs with his sister or whoever she wa—" Ymir got cut off by Annie.

"He could be useful," she said, deadly and softly. All eyes shot on her, as their minds thought of the new sparking idea. Annie speaks again. "Make him a tool. Convince him to be with us, and let him do the honors of killing (y/n)."

. . . . .

I walk to my lockers, getting my things for third hour. I continually think about Levi told me, and he was absolutely right: I had to pick someone I truly, deeply love. It's either him or Eren. Simple. But who is better... who made me happy the most this year and/or past years? Are they even worth it? Who beats the other? I reached my locker when Armin ran up to me. "(y/n)!"

I smile and face him. "Hey, Armin."

"Look, I heard what happened and I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you sooner, but I'm sorry for the loss of your child," Armin whispered nervously. I sigh as I open my locker.

"I just feel bad for not forgiving Mikasa. I feel like I killed her, you know?" Armin nodded in understanding, but denied it.

"I didn't think you killed her, it was her own fault for giving into Annie's little deal." I nod at Armin's statement as I see another note. I sigh as I take it and read it.

Gonna have to pick one guy, huh? I could help you with that...

just don't pick Eren. God only knows what will happen if you don't...


"What's that?" Armin asked. I jumped, scared that he was behind me. I forgot he was here. I figured he read it, as his face showed confusion. I sighed as I told him everything about the mysterious notes from R, and how they all tell me to break up with Eren in different ways. It also explained to him about the weird but beautiful gifts I've been getting, as those always ended with XOXO. I told him I figured it was the same person.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now