30 | Guns to Kill, Knives to Hurt

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Eren spits as he gets up like that punch was nothing at all, just a gust of wind that flew on him. "Oh look," he spat, walking up slowly to Levi. His face was expressionless, like Eren was gone and he was staring at the sky. "It's (y/n)'s petty little boyfriend... oh how sweet and manly of you to come and save her." Levi remained silent. "It's not gonna work." Eren stopped and jerked his head forward, tilting it to the side, like he was waiting for an answer. He pursed his lips and smiled.

"Oh... I see... you want to keep up your cool, stoic look. I understand you don't want to ruin your image," Eren nodded in understanding, walking up to him again, dropping his gun on the floor. He was now face to face to him. Eren smirked. "So. You want me to hand her over to you?"

"Why the hell are you even bothering to kill this girl?" Levi asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he squinted.

"It's because of you," Eren snarled. He brought his right hand up in a fist as it shot forward. Levi caught it with his hand as he used it as a handle for balance, as he knee-kicked him in the stomach and brought his foot up to shove him to the ground sideways. Eren lost balance and fell. Levi was about to kick him like that time in Hand-to-Hand Combat, but Eren rolled away to the right, as he scrambled back up, then charged at Levi. He let his arms go past his waist as he slammed him down. Levi's hands grasped Eren's neck, choking him, wanting to asphyxiate him.

Eren clawed at his hands, digging his fingers in-between his grasp and his neck. He gave up as he punched Levi's chin, making his head jerk back and make a loud crack! sound on the ground as his head hit it.

Meanwhile, Hanji showed up on the roof, as her orders from Armin were to go up there and help with the fight for (y/n). "Make sure Petra dies in vain," he had texted, along with other information on why the fight was even happening. The first person she saw that wasn't getting beat up at the moment was Bertholdt. He was trying to separate Ymir and Krista as Reiner was trying to yell at him for back up against Jean. Not on Hani's watch. She dashed over to the far end of the roof, jumping over a backpack as well as Eren and Levi wrestling on the ground. She ran and bent down as fast as she could to get the knife that was on the ground.

When she caught it, she took half the handle while the other half of the blade was near her skin. It ripped it open a little bit and it started to sting. Hanji slid her hand down to grasp the whole handle. She gathered all of her power and let out a shout, as she charged over to Bertholdt, pushing him over as he hit his head on the cinder border wall of the roof. His head started to spin around and a headache was forming, making him feel the beating in the back of his brain.

Bertholdt took Hanji's neck and pushed her away as far as he could. She landed over to his feet, where she crawled up and brought her knife to his neck. He grabbed her wrists tightly, trying to push her away but she stayed put as she tried to push more in so her goal can be accomplished to slit his neck. He twisted her free hand as it made a noise. He then took the right part of her left hand and pushed it away, as he tried to break through her hands to get the knife.

Hanji felt a huge pain in her right wrist, but she knew she had to keep fighting for her friend. "Stop," Hanji grunted, as he pinned her down. Bertholdt rolled his eyes. She was stubborn. She didn't dare let go of her weapon. He soon realized that she was bleeding below her knuckles in the hand that was holding the knife.

He smirked as he took his nails and dug it into her gushing cut. "STOP!" She screamed. Her other hand was pinned down by Bertholdt's foot as he held her wrist and with the other hand he dug some more. The only thing she could do was scream. "STOP! BERTHOLDT! HELP!" She yelled, tears forming in the rim of her eyelids.

"Shut up," he grunted. He could tell it was hurting and stinging like crazy, because more blood started to ooze out. She screamed in bloody murder, but she didn't let go of the knife. He stepped harder on her wrist, and that's when she gave in. He snatched the knife and brought it to her neck. "Now you know how it feels."

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now