23 | (Y/n) the Softie

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It's been three months. Three months since confronting Levi, Mikasa's death, and all the punishments for the dares that were never done. A lot has changed in these months. Annie went to Juvy when students contacted the police when they heard that she illegally drugged Mikasa and forced her to murder a child for childish reasons. She's been sentenced to stay there for a year, so she will have to re-take her senior year at Trost High.

That wasn't the only bad thing that happened to someone. (y/n)'s mother died of some unknown crazy police shooting at Wall Sina. It was all over the news when she found out about a month ago. Shortly, her father went missing after his wife had been killed. Not only (y/n)'s mother died. Eren's did too, as they were walking together peacefully until the shooting occurred. Eren's father was very depressed, but took the right path and kept on living life. He was rarely home due to the endless hours of work as a doctor.

Eren hadn't talked for a while, as he was trying to absorb everything happening. He is barely okay at the moment, as he still is recovering. Levi doesn't mess around with him anymore, knowing what had happened. Only his friend Armin and girlfriend (y/n) talk to him. When they do, he usually tells them that he thinks he's going crazy. It was strange to hear his story: that he thinks Mikasa is always following him and nearby. It's like she is a very overprotective, creepy guardian angel.

. . . . .

"Levi, you've been like this for months. Lighten up, will you?" Hanji pressed, glaring at him with the corner of her eye. He was still furious of how (y/n) found out. He truly loved her, and didn't mean to force her to date him or anything. Even though he was going to tell her one day, he was too late.

"You don't understand anything, Hanji," he scoffed, slamming his fist on the wall. "It's more complicated than you think."

"Oh, c'mon Levi. I'll help you. What are my orders?" She says happily, walking in front of him and saluting. He rolled his eyes and looked away. She spoke again. "I'll help you get her back. I figured out a plan—"

"I want our relationship to be natural now... not forced. So don't do anything stupid, because I don't need your help and assistance anymore for this love shit." Levi deadly spoke, glaring at Hanji with his darkened orbs. Hanji sadly nodded and looked down at her feet. Levi changed ever since he met that girl, Hanji thought. Meanwhile with The Titans... they are very furious that Annie now is in Juvy, as they lost their lead member. It's all because of Mikasa, they all thought. They wanted revenge. They wanted payback, and they were going to take it out and plot it on Mikasa's closest friend: Eren. They just need a perfect plan...

. . . . .

Eren sees darkness cover him over. No lights or distance to be seen. He's covered in cold sweat as he reaches out his hand, as he feels some type of metal wall surrounding him. He drags his fingers across it, to find out he was trapped in this circular, dark metal material. He drags his fingers up when they meet a blade, as it cuts through his skin. He wasn't reacting. He couldn't get his finger off the tip. The pain was unbearable as he tried to break free. He couldn't yell, he could only whisper and try to cry. It made him furious he couldn't use his vocal cords to get the rage out, as he felt like he would explode, leaving blood stains from his cut everywhere. His other hand ever so slowly creeped its way to save his other one, but unconsciously, he rubbed the back of his hand along the blades long, sharp part.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now