29 | The Plot Twist

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(y/n)'s heart skipped a beat when she looks at both Petra and Eren's gun barrels pointing at her, threatening that death could come at any moment, and it will happen quickly with no hesitations.



R equals Petra. But why?

"Don't be surprised to see someone other than Eren on the roof today."

"Don't be surprised to see someone other than Eren on the roof today."

"Don't be surprised to see someone other than Eren on the roof today."

"IT'S PETRA!" She wants Eren for herself.

Petra and Eren have been hanging out lately... from laughing at lunch to (y/n) catching them in the halls together.

Petra... Petra Ral. R. R is for Ral...

(y/n) stands frozen. She was petrified. She didn't know how to react, or what to do. Is this where I die? Is this where it all ends? But why? Why would she go so far and actually kill me? Is her love for Eren that strong? Why does Eren think I'm a liar? All these questions ran through her mind, taking over all of her thoughts of common sense and the fact that they were still in school... well, on top of it. Her vocal cords couldn't move as well as her body.

Suddenly, Sasha started to squirm around from the ground as she stood up, her knees bent. She then regained her balance as she stood up still, taking one step forward and aiming her gun at Petra's head. "Don't do it," she snarled out of her teeth angrily. Petra's eyes averted to her left, where Sasha stood, and smirked. From the right of the roof, The Titans stormed into the scene, away from their hiding spot. They stood a few feet behind Eren.

"SHOOT HER ALREADY!" Reiner ordered, looking at (y/n) with an intense death glare. He then immediately obeyed as he put both of his hands on the gun, and a finger on the trigger. He aimed like he was holding a rifle. Footsteps were heard at the door when Krista barged in.

"YM—" (y/n) ducked as quickly as she could, as the bullet was fired, originally going to aim at her face. Krista's eyes widened as she stood still like she was stoned by Medusa, not being able to finish her sentence. Everyone whipped their heads to that direction. Eren had pulled the trigger. It flew past Krista's ear as it shattered the glass window from the door behind her.

Ymir looked as she yelled. "KRISTA! Get out! Eren: don't hesitate!"

"JEAN! ARMIN! GO!" Sasha yelled at the top of her lungs. Suddenly, the two boys she called out went out of hiding from the left of the roof, rolling out like they were in a spy movie. Jean snickered as he hauled right up to Reiner, clashing onto him like in football. Jean landed on top of him, trying to hold his shoulders back. The buff opponent he was facing squirmed out of his grasp. They weaved in and out as they tried to pin each other down to get a good, steady aim to hurt the other.

They were grunting and not talking at all, but Jean broke the aura. "Don't do this," he huffed out, taking Reiner's head and pinning it down, his thumbs jabbing into the soft part of the blonde's temples. Reiner took Jean's wrists and yanked them off, tightening his grip and leaving marks. He twisted his left wrist as he threw him over to the ground. Reiner lifted up his upper body from the ground, ready to punch Jean with his right fist. He then rammed his knuckles onto the hard ground because Jean moved his head to the right, digging his nails into Reiner's hand as his grip loosened.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now