9 | The Love & Lies Explosion

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Mikasa sat down to Language Arts when she saw [Y/N] walking in, mad and reddened. She sat in front of Mikasa, when Mikasa decided to tap on [Y/N] 's shoulder with her pen. "[Y/N], what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked. No answer. Whatever, Mikasa thought.

"Alright guys, today you will be assigned a project based on everyday problems and how to solve them. You will be put in groups—" Mikasa didn't bother to listen to the rest. She just wanted to conduct the phone plan, but she had to wait for Armin's signal. "Alright, Group One please step up and let me explain to you what your problem is..." Ms. C said. Group One stepped up, and Mikasa noticed Jean was in that group.

Mikasa looked back to see if Armin was facing her, and she was correct. He nodded as she was ready to delete the recording. Jean walked past her desk when she stopped him. He looked a little confused, but Mikasa hugged him. "I love you, Jean," Mikasa lied, holding him close. Jean hugged her back, whispering lovey-dovey junk to her again. She slipped her hand in his back pocket and got his phone out. She pulled away as he walked to his group, not noticing a thing. She quickly got out of her seat and joined Armin and Krista in the corner of the room. His password was 7669, and she opened it. She looked at his Camera Roll, where she found the video. She quickly deleted it on both Camera Roll and Photo Stream. She set his phone on his desk and hugged her team.

"Well done," Armin said, giving her a thumbs up. "The Delete the Recording on Jean's Phone Plan worked!" He whisper-shouted. Krista smiled brightly and Mikasa did as well. Now I can break up with Jean, and he doesn't have any more evidence that I like Annie now!

. . . . .

When I got out of sixth period, the halls were noisy and messy. Papers were all over the aisle, water was spilt in corners of the room. Everyone was packing their things rapidly because it was Friday, and no one wanted to stay in Trost High any longer. I looked around and saw Armin, packing his things neatly. I walked up to him, and he saw. "[Y/N]! Oh my goodness, I'm glad you're here. Can you, uh, help me?" He asked, as he pulled out his big inhaler. I laughed and helped him.

When I went to turn away to my locker on the other side of the aisle, I saw Hanji. She knew I was sad so she held her arms out as I took them in a hug. "It's okay, [Y/N]. Things happen... I'm so sorry you're a victim of this. Damn that Jaeger," she growled, rubbing my back.

"Thank you," I quietly said. The crowd died down, and an average amount of people still were packing their things, talking, or on their phones texting or calling people against their lockers. Suddenly, a door opened from the outside, revealing Eren walking in. He looked beat up, bruised and bloody. His clothes were wrinkled and dirty, and his hair was an awful mess. I gave him a death glare. I saw Levi bring up the rear, bored as ever. He looked perfectly clean and un-touched to me.

Eren saw me, and approached up to me. "[Y/N], that video wasn't real—"

Hanji cut him off and gave him the same glare I did to him. "Don't lie, Eren. It was totally real and you know it."

"[Y/N], listen to me, I didn't cheat on you—"

"Shut up, Eren!" I yelled, bringing everyone's undivided attention to us. "I already know and Hanji showed me the video. It was real, and it was done. I never should have trusted you."

"I told her the truth." Hanji stated. "I told her you were always with Petra. I saw you two kissing as well, and [Y/N] doesn't deserve to be with a cheating brat like you."

"I-I was never with Petra! And she wasn't the one who was making out with me!" Eren protested. Suddenly, Petra walked up to the group, wide eyes and she looked very anxious.

"[Y/N], I wasn't with him! It's all a lie!" She yelled, looking into my eyes.

"Annie was the one making out with me because I—" I cut off Eren.

"I don't care if you're with two other girls or making out under the bleachers. It's not my problem anymore. I'm not your girlfriend." The tears wanted to come out, but I didn't let them. I was standing my ground, confronting to Eren; and I didn't want to be the girl that locks herself in her room, listening to Adele songs and eating ice cream out of the container while her mascara drips down her cheeks like crazy.

"Annie wanted me to date Petra—"

"Wow, Eren. Three girls. What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't get enough of threesome partners?" I narrowed my eyes at him in disbelief.

Hanji held my shoulder from the side of me and sadly sighed. "I'm so sorry,[Y/N]," she announced loud enough for everyone around to hear. "I don't have any video or picture proof for this, but I saw Petra making out with Eren the other day, when they were in Hand-to-Hand Combat, when you were with Armin at the hospital. I totally understand if you don't believe me..."

Petra and Eren synchronized their voices and yelled at the same time: "WE NEVER MADE OUT—"

"Thank you, Hanji... I believe you," I cut them off. "I can't believe I got caught in this three-girl-one-guy web."

Petra walked up to Hanji, her caramel hair shaking. "Hanji, why are you lying to her?! Are you setting this up? Are you trying to break her relationship with Eren? Even if I had a crush on him, I would never hurt you like that, [Y/N]!" She turned to me, and I could tell she was about to cry. Hanji completely ignored her rant and spoke up.

"I'm only speaking the truth, unlike you fools. Come on, [Y/N]..." Hanji said, as she walked me off from the scene. A couple seconds later, the people around whispered and turned away from the action that just happened. I felt embarrassed. Hanji let me be alone, as I walked up to Levi, as he stood there, away from Eren. When I do walk up to him, he hugs me immediately, in understanding.

"If you haven't noticed, I dealt with him outside for all of sixth period," he said softly, resting his head on top of mine. I laughed nervously, then went back to my saddened expression. I remembered the bruises and how dirty Eren looked when he came in the hall.

"Yeah, I did notice. Thank you," I whispered.

"It must have been hard, being in between a situation like that."

"Yeah... everything is just so freaking complicated," I replied. I hugged him tighter. "Did you deal with him because you found out he was cheating on me?"

"Yes, I did. Hanji showed me the video first, then I wanted revenge. Treating you like that is very stupid," he answered. "Are you glad you're done with him?" Levi asked.

"You don't even know how much I'm glad now."

More chapters coming!

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now