6 | #TypicalHanji

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At lunch, Hanji decided to help out to set up things for the football game tomorrow, but she will obviously not attend it. Already filled up from her BLT salad that she lazily bought from McDonalds, she headed over to the huge field. She admired the big-ass bleachers, how they were oh so high and there was plenty of space to go under them. She wanted to cross under instead of going around the bleachers. There was a dirt path made under; how thoughtful, builders of Trost High.

Before she stepped foot into the walkway, she saw a struggling Eren and a girl... Hanji decided to hide behind crossed metal poles and took a better look in the dark area. They were making out furiously, but it seemed that Eren was trying to push away, and that the girl was pushing him into a pole. "You didn't do your dare I gave you, bitch, now I'm going to ruin your relationship," the girl said between breaths. It was Annie. Hanji—as the typical person she is—decided to take out her iPhone and snap a picture of it, on the exact right time when it looked like Eren was holding her waist, but in reality, he was pushing her waist away. She decided to take a video, but from a farther distance, so you couldn't see Eren struggling as much, and it looked like he enjoyed it.

In both the picture and the video, you couldn't really see the girl because of the dark shade of the bleachers. In reality, you could clearly see it was Annie. {Y/N} is going to get sooo pissed, Hanji thought. [Y/N] told Hanji that Eren and her were dating, and after that, basically the whole school knew now. Ditching her 'help the football team set up for the game' schedule, she ran over to Levi, which was outside, texting someone.

"Oh Leviii~!" Hanji waved her phone at him and started to sing-song his name. He looked up annoyed. "I think I just found Jaeger cheating on [Y/N]," she lied, showing Levi the video. She knew he was struggling, and she knew it was Annie... but what if she told [Y/N] it was another girl, and they chose to make out? "You like [Y/N], don't you?" Hanji asked, already knowing the answer. Levi told her everything: them on study dates, and he even told her about the little scene they had.

"Evidence," he immediately said sternly.

"Jaeger was getting raped by her. It was Annie giving him revenge for a dare he didn't do, but..."

"Hanji," Levi said, holding her shoulders. "Convince [Y/N] that this," he pointed to her phone, where the picture was up on the screen, "was what Jaeger decided to do. Make her mine."

. . . . .

"Marco... maybe you should try hanging out with him a lot more, you know, touching shoulders while you're sitting next to each other, playing video games, going to see that new movie, Jurassic World..." Krista listed on and on, reading off of a crumpled lined sheet of paper. Marco held her shoulders and shook her, then released her. He leaned on the school wall while shifting his position on the dark blue bench with the words: TROST HIGH written on the seat.

"I saw Jean and Mikasa holding hands today! Holding hands. He was nuzzling his nose on her and everything!"

"Yeah, but she seemed so annoyed, and she looked like she wanted him out of her grasp, or herself out of his grasp. I bet Jean is in this weird stage right now or something..." Krista assured.

"Krista," Ymir barked, leaning against a wall. "Come on, you've been with him for days. Let's leave."

"Ymir!" Krista pleaded, turning herself toward her tall girlfriend. "I just need to help him with someone he loves dearly!"

"Is that you?" She retorted. Krista frantically shook her head, and so did Marco.

"I could just leave, Krista... it's no big deal, I know you're trying to help but—" Marco got cut off by the blonde girl.

"I'm not giving up on you!" She practically shouted. She leaned in and whispered to Marco. "Ymir's just jealous or something right now... I guess I'm not hanging with her as much anymore," Krista giggled nervously. Marco nodded and they went back to advice and rumors about Mikasa and Jean.

Short chapter, more tomorrow :))

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now