1 | Sucks For You Eren

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Trost High didn't change, except it got wayyy cleaner, but that won't hold for long. It was the first day back to school from Summer Vacation, and nobody really liked it. The first day isn't where you fill out "Get to Know You" sheets anymore. Trost is strict and stupid. You woke up late and had to rush to school. You reunited with your friends You met two years ago: Eren, Mikasa, Hanji, and Armin. You also reunited with your secondary group of friends: Sasha, Petra and Jean. From meeting in the hallways to hugging each other on the way to school, it's been great so far.

"Y/N!" Someone boomed. You almost dropped the two donuts You were carrying. You scarfed half of it in your mouth and turned to where the voice was coming from. You chewed slowly, seeing no one in particular. "Y/N!" It shouted again. You whipped your head around to see Eren. Messy brown hair, turquoise eyes, black suit pants and a white half-way tucked in button up shirt. You almost choked when you saw him dressed. You smiled the best you could while trying to swallow your late breakfast, and hugged him once he approached you.

"Eren! I haven't seen you in forever!" You beamed, eating your first donut whole behind his neck. He smelt like Jo Malone's Wood Sage and Sea Salt cologne, and You oved it. You guys pulled away and you wiped your messy face with the back of your hand. You giggled nervously. "Heh... want a donut?" You asked, bringing forward your hand, holding the donut with the sprinkles. He laughed.

"Sure." He grabbed it and bit into it. Sprinkles flew down.

"Let me get that for you," You laughed, wiping the little rainbow treats off his button-down. "Say, why are you dressed so fancy today?"

"My mom. She keeps telling me to look nice and," he puts up quotes with his fingers, "'go, get the girls, Eren!'" he mocked in a high voice. You laughed and tucked the rest of his shirt in.

"You need to look formal for your mommy then," You stated, giggling. He rolled his big eyes.

A voice came closer in the distance. "Yeah, she told me she won't do it! I'm like, 'why not?' and she's all like, 'because, I-I' and she started to tremble and shit. It was so weird," a girl said, talking fast and perky. Eren and you cocked your heads to see Hanji Zoe, part of the 'Popular Crew' as we like to call it. Next to her was the one and only Levi Ackerman, and it looked like he couldn't care less about what she was saying.

He's soooooooo sexxayyy.

Hanji was laughing at herself for some reason, until she saw me. "Y/N!" She screeched, waving to you frantically. You turned very red in your cheeks when Levi turned to where she was waving. Hanji and I you have been friends since last year, and she wasn't really part of your main group with Mikasa, Armin and Eren. You waved back shyly, hoping you didn't have any icing on your face.

"Hey, Hanji," You say coyly. Eren keeps looking in the same direction as you, and is confused.

"You're friends with Hanji? Hanji Zoe?" He asks, looking at you with worry in his eyes. You look back at him and smile.

"Yeah... why are you so worried?"

"She's part of... them. You could get in serious trouble if you join those populars!"

"Eren, I won't. I stick with you guys, remember?"

He was silent for a while, then nodded. "Yeah."

You tilted my head back to him. "Where's your sister?"

He rolled his turquoise orbs and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "She's not my sister, we just let her stay with us because of her deceased parents." He began to untuck his shirt halfway again. You guys had a conversation, and then split to your lockers. Yours was shiny, new, and clean. You actually liked it. It was human-size and dark blue.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now