27 | They All Want Her Dead

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For the rest of the day, all I could think about was what Mikasa said about love. I soon realized after fourth hour, Eren hasn't talked with me since Friday. He was always partially running to his next class and sometimes chatting with Ymir or even Petra. When I was obviously in the open and alone, he didn't even glance at me or make any eye contact whatsoever. I didn't even know why he was with Petra, and after all of these months I realized I never apologized to her when I thought she was secretly dating Eren behind my back.

Mikasa was obviously right about love. That it was the hardest obstacle anyone could take. I exhaled slowly as I made a list of things in my head that are bad about each person. Let's see... Levi lied about that whole Eren thing, plus he hurt him during Hand-to-Hand Combat. Eren on the other hand... wait... he didn't do anything wrong.

I soon realized Levi was the only one that was a liar and everything. Fine then, I thought. I'll pick Eren. I smiled at my final decision when I went to my locker, getting ready to go to fifth hour. When I walked up to it, I saw a note stuck on it. I got angry as I ripped it off and furiously read it.

Picking Eren, I see? Fine. I'll just have to make a move.

So difficult you are, you know that?


How the hell did R know I picked Eren?! I thought, screaming internally. She even wrote this ahead of time, because I just made my decision a couple of seconds ago! Can this bitch tell the future or something? Who the HELL IS R?!!? I furiously ripped it to shreds as I littered it onto the ground, as it flew down in various directions. I was a little scared of this mysterious R, I have to admit. What did I do to deserve to be in this mess? I cry every night because of my baby, Mikasa and mother. Can't this freaking person just let it go and stop bothering me?!

Tears started to form in my eyes as I tried to rub them off. My weakness is all of them. I can't just boil up all my feelings but just keep it boiling forever. I need to let it out. It's not healthy... but... More tears started to form as I started to cry. I opened my locker as fast I could to stick my head in and cover my mouth so I couldn't wail in front of them. Good thing Eren wasn't here, because he would ask me tons of questions that I wouldn't want to answer.

My hair flew over my face as I sniffled quietly as I tried to make it seem like I'm digging for a lost textbook or something. Luckily after about two minutes, no one has noticed. I think about all my family and friends dying, as the topic replayed in my head as I sobbed more and more.

. . . . .

Meanwhile, Sasha and her friend are hiding, looking at (y/n) from the distance. Sasha pulls back and brings her friend with her behind a different hallway wall. Sasha sighs. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" She asked, worried as she looked into her eyes. Her friend nodded and rolled her eyes.

"Of course. I despise that slut with my life," she explained. "I know what I'm doing." Sasha rolled her eyes, remembering that her friend disguised her name as R for all of (y/n)'s notes. R looked down, remembering what her father told her about two weeks ago before she started to send (y/n) things to ditch Eren.

"Listen, my daughter. You are ordered to kill Harper. (y/n) (l/n)," her father ordered, looking deep into her eyes. R's eyes widened, looking up at her dad. Her vocal cords let out a strong, loud voice to respond back to him.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now