19 | Confessing & Understanding

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I walked into the hospital to check on Eren bright and early so I could miss the entire day of school to just be with him. Before I came in, his doctor, Mrs. Sherry, said to not touch anything, and that he'll be up and running in about a week or so. He was close to the edge of the bridge of dying, but we were lucky, because in twenty minutes, he would've died if the ambulance haven't come sooner.

I walked in seeing a sleeping Eren, with tubes connected to his arms and hands. He had some ice pack thing on his forehead while his eyes were peacefully closed. Mrs. Sherry said he was still in the process of 'actually opening his eyes.' I sat down on a comfortable, green chair next to the hospital bed. I took his right hand, the one without the needle-connected tube on it and the closest one to me, and rubbed my thumb across his slightly pale, soft skin. I didn't know what to think. Why the hell would he do this? "Hey (y/n)," he whispered. I shot my head up to him, as his eyes were open in tiny slits, as he managed to smile.

"Oh my god, Eren, you're awake," I smiled, going up and hugging him, so he comfortably put his head in-between my shoulder and neck. He coughed, so I backed away. He was done coughing and held his arms out. I rolled my eyes playfully as I pulled him into me, but to kiss him on the lips. I had to. It was an urge. I pulled away, as the couple of seconds of silence kept bugging me.

"I got your texts," Eren whispered again, grinning. I laughed nervously.

"W-why did you...?" I trailed off. He lifted an eyebrow, not seeming to know my question. "Why did you... drink and stuff?" I softly asked, trying not to offend him.

"It's kind of embarrassing," he groggily said. I looked at him and told him it's okay, and he could tell me. "I was depressed, because Levi got you pregnant, and that you're with... him," he muttered quietly. I clenched my fists. My best friend wanted to kill himself all because of me, I thought, soaking it all in. I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to spill the tears and seem like a weak girl. I already made myself look like a lifeless bitch that no one deserves.

"I believe you," I whispered. "I always loved you, even if I was with Levi. I believe you that it was Annie who forcefully kissed you, I believe Petra wasn't involved and any picture proof can't top my belief. I just believe you... fully," I sighed, looking to him. He looked at me with his big-ass turquoise eyes, then smiled.


Eren was finally out of the hospital. He had a little delay because the bleach got to him. I walked in the halls with him, holding his hand and hoping he'll last all day. He was looking around at the students, probably thinking about how they have such easy lives. "So... are you worried?" Eren asked. I shot my eyes up at him, seeing he was looking at me. I knew what he was talking about: the pregnancy.

"Sort of, yeah," I muttered. "Some girl found out and walked up to me last week and told me that Levi would bail on me."

"They're jealous," Eren assured. "I bet they all want to get pregnant from him." I let out a little chuckle, because those girls can get pretty fierce. I could see some people giving me death glares and then whispering, and then laughing. I completely forgot about them when I saw Levi talking with Hanji in front of some classroom. I walked up to them.

"Leviii," I called, jogging up to him. Eren tagged behind slowly.

"Goddammit, get lost—" he turned away from Hanji with an annoyed and unpleased look on his face, until he saw me. He then cut off his sentence then looked at me with a softer expression. "Fuck, I thought you were a fangirl for a second." I rolled my eyes as I stepped closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "How are you?"

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now