26 | Mikasa's Lesson on Love

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It was pitch black. It was the same setting: metal walls surrounding him. It was still dark, but he was able to see enough. He couldn't feel anything, until a couple seconds later. He looked down. There was clear water up to his waist. He looked around the circular thing he's in. He turns his head to the right. He sees Mikasa. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly open. She was already dead, just like he found her. The water started to get darker and thicker. He looked down, seeing a dark crimson. Her blood was pouring everywhere.

He looked up. The square door was slowly closing, as the water level was rising. His body felt numb, but his throat felt tight. It was rising at a rapid rate, like a waterfall was pouring. The door was slowly closing. He couldn't scream. His vocal cords didn't work once again.

"Help," he whispered. "Stop." The door finally closed as everything around him was pitch black. The bloody water reached his cheeks as he moved slowly, trying to get out. Suddenly, the sound of water stopped. Glowing, gray eyes flashed in front of him as he woke up, screaming.

Eren breathed heavily, holding his forehead. He was late for school again.

. . . . .

Sasha sighs, looking at her friend. "Why are you doing this?" She looked at Sasha like she thought one plus one was seven.

"I'm trying to win Eren. She has Levi already falling for her, and I could tell she's considering her choice to switch over to him and ditch Eren," she simply explained.

"Yeah, but—"

"We'll both be happy if she makes her transaction! Sasha, I just need Eren." Sasha looks at her, then sighs and looks down.

"I guess so..."

"Good. Don't tell her this, or God only knows what will happen to you if you do," he friend jokes, grinning. Sasha could tell she was also serious. She could see it her in her piercing eyes.

. . . . .

I was walking through the halls, going to my homeroom. When I walk, I notice Krista. She's looking off into space with very wide eyes. Her back was straight as a ruler as she was sitting down on a bench, clutching her things like it was her job. I stop in front of her. She didn't even notice me. I snap in front of her face and wave my hand. She blinks various times and looks up at me. "H-hello," she says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look like you just witnessed murder in front of your eyes," I said.

"I-I'm having visions... of Mikasa dead," she explains. My mouth opens in shock.

"What do you see?" I pressed, kneeling so I'm down to her level.

"Her. Wide-eyed. For some reason, I see her, holding her knees tightly to her chest as she is surrounded by... cups of water. Some cups are red, like dark red." I nod in understanding. She looks up at me. I see fear in her eyes. "These days, I'm waking up choking on my own spit as my face turns a deep red... I can't stand it. (y/n), how did she die?!" Krista leaned forward. I remember what Eren told me. I explained on how she was in the water tank, as she stabbed herself and drowned.

When I finished explaining, she holds her head and winces in pain. She puts her elbows on her legs to support herself from falling. "I-It's like she's haunting me..." Krista whispered. I don't speak. She shakes her head and looks back up at me, smiling. "I better get to homeroom... thanks for listening to my rant."

And with that, she quickly fled.


I decided to have lunch in the cafeteria today. I sat down in front of Armin. "Hey Armin," I say. He looks up from his book and tells me hi. "Where is Eren?" I ask curiously.

"I'm not sure," Armin says, looking around. He shrugs as he goes back to his book. I shrug and start to eat. I looked at everyone around, sitting on tables. I saw Eren sitting with The Titans. Why is he with them? I thought. Were they all friends before? I never seen him even glance at them for more than five seconds... I shrugged the thought off as I look around more.

Petra, Connie and Sasha were sitting together, talking and laughing. It looked like Connie stole her chips as Sasha is trying to get them. He threw them to Petra as she threw it back, making Sasha's job of retrieving it much harder.

Not so far away, Hanji and Levi were sitting together, talking and whatnot. About three tables over, Jean and Marco sat together, talking and laughing. Krista just got in the cafeteria, when she saw them and sat next to Marco. She eyed Ymir weirdly in the distance. I sigh as I turn back, eating my food. I look to the empty spot next to me. I turn forward when I see a speck of white in the air. I turn back, seeing... Mikasa.

Is this an illusion? I think. I eye her. She's wearing her maroon scarf, as she wore a white mini dress. She was looking forward, not even looking at me. Her elbows were on the table as she leaned forward. "M-Mikasa?" I ask cautiously.

"Wow, what a situation you're in," she speaks, as her red scarf was flowing across her neck. Her skin was a milky white, like an angel.

"I-is it really you?" I stutter in my words. Is this really Mikasa? Mikasa Ackerman?

"Yes, the one and only," she says, grinning. She still isn't looking at me.

"But... I thought you died!" I exclaim. She completely ignored me as she kept talking.

"I can see what your mind is full of. Levi or Eren. Levi or Eren. Levi or Eren, repeatedly." Does she have telepathy powers or something? Because that's right, I thought. Looking at her dark hair flow with her scarf. She continues talking. "Love. The hardest obstacle that comes in someone's life. It's a game, a gamble, a trick or a lie. But somewhere, if you just keep on digging or go further into the labyrinth or the details, you'll encounter someone special. One in a billion, one of a kind. One specialized for only you. Choose wisely." That's when she finally, slowly turns her head to face me. Her glowing, shiny eyes were piercing. They blur everything else I see, as the gray flashes in front of me. I open my eyes again, as I see no one next to me. Mikasa was never really there. It was all an illusion.

"Uh, (y/n)?" Armin asks. I look at him. "Why were you talking to yourself?" I shake my head and turn back.

"I-it's nothing... don't worry about it."

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now