14 | Jealous Mikasa, Desperate Annie, Confused Armin

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Mikasa was extremely happy she got the guts to talk to Annie, because her crush is still fresh in her mind, plus, she was such a great listener. She didn't talk much and she looked like she didn't care, and to Mikasa it reminded her of herself, sort of. That's why she adored Annie. They could be perfect. Annie started to talk to her more, and smile a little.

"Hey, Mikasa," she said, messing with her white hoodie.

"Yeah?" Mikasa responded.

"Do you know if Armin is single?" Annie asked in monotone. She seemed bored about the topic, but Mikasa wasn't sure. Does Annie like Armin? Mikasa thought. She got sad, because she really liked Annie. Mikasa huffed.

"Yeah, he is," she answered, annoyed. Mikasa didn't know, but Annie was trying to form a relationship with Armin. She thought he was nice, adorable and... could be easy to manipulate. Mikasa changed from sad to mad, real fast. She didn't care if Armin was so sweet, spineless and innocent. She wanted him gone. The first hour bell rang, then the second, then the third. Everything flew by so fast as Mikasa headed to fourth hour. She felt jealous and uncomfortable seeing all the people around her. The teacher wasn't here yet as she saw [y/n] kissing Levi, Jean and Marco sitting so close and laughing, Ymir making Krista laugh and Annie helping Armin out with his inhaler... so freaking close... It disgusted Mikasa.

For the whole hour, she wanted to smash Armin's head against a wall. The bell rang, where she found Armin in the halls after she put her stuff back. She furiously took the back of his collar and shove him against the wall, still in the crowded hallway. "M-Mikasa?! W-what are you doing?" He cried out. She let go, standing before him. He looked at her with his wide ocean-blue eyes as he didn't bother running away.

"I'll hurt you if you decide to make any sexual moves on Annie," she whispered in a cold, sharp voice. Armin was very confused, and Mikasa didn't know he was uneasy about even being near Annie because she beat him up, and he was very confused of how Annie was actually helping him with his inhaler and sitting so close to him in fourth period.

"Mikasa, what?! I don't like Annie! In fact, I'm kind of scared of her!" Armin exclaimed.

"Don't give me that BS, Armin," she shouted.

"You're causing a scene!" Armin whisper-shouted, as he glared at everyone. They were looking awkwardly then backing away, whispering to their friends what just happened. Mikasa looked at him with an icy stare. "I'm going to be late to class! Mikasa! What's gotten into you? I know Annie is a dangerous person from The Titans, but why would you care if I made 'sexual moves' on her?!" Armin exclaimed. Is she trying to protect me for my own safety? Armin thought.

Mikasa realized that it was kind of obvious that she is basically telling Armin that she likes Annie, but she doesn't want that to spread. Since it was Armin, thank god he was confused. Mikasa backed away from Armin, and awkwardly ran away, leaving a confused Armin to watch her leave and think: 'what the hell just happened?'


I walked out of fifth period and saw a panting Armin, his face to the floor as he held his knees. He lifted up, and his face was red. I ran up to him and frantically searched for an inhaler in his things. I found it and helped him regain his breath. "Thank you, [y/n]," Armin said, grinning a little.

"What's wrong? Why were you panting so much?" I asked frantically.

"Mikasa wanted to talk to me again, and I ran away. She's acting strangely. Last time, she told me I shouldn't make 'sexual moves' on Annie or something, and now she wants to take me by the collar again and drag me off, so I ran," Armin explained.

"Oh... that's strange..." I said, furrowing my brows in concern and confusion.

"Well, I should probably go to sixth hour—" Armin said, as he tripped on something on the ground. I held his shoulders to help him regain balance and get his feet stable on the ground, but my hands slipped out of its grasp as my hands reached his hair, and he fell on top of me... as his lips planted on mine. We didn't realize it until we both opened our eyes, noticing we already fell... and our lips were locked. We pulled away, then laughed nervously at each other.

"Oh goodness, I'm sorry," Armin whispered.

"I-It's fine," I laughed. We awkwardly sat up. "It was accidental," I said, showing Armin I understood. I ruffled his hair as he nervously laughed again.

"Nice!" A guy said, as he showed us the picture he took with his phone. I blushed, and so did Armin. I heard slow clapping to my right, as I saw Levi. I blushed red.

"Levi! I-It's not what you think..." I laughed nervously, trying to lighten up the mood. He held a hand out and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again.

"I believe you," he said. I smiled. Looks like he believes me more than Eren ever will, I thought. "Plus I saw it all so," I rolled my eyes playfully and stuck my tongue out it. Armin stood there awkwardly as Levi pulled me into his arm.

"Don't let it happen again," he said to Armin playfully, and giving him a serious look with his eyes.

"Of-Of course!" Armin said, smiling and sweating.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now