Epilogue | It was a Jacked-Up Journey

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JUNE 15th

Bertholdt was sent to Juvy with Annie for wanting to murder me, as well as his team killing Hanji. Everyone else has been given a three-week suspension, because we defended ourselves with weapons. We were lucky we weren't expelled from Trost. The roof was a mess once the teachers reached up their after the bomb had exploded. Bodies were everywhere, bloody waters and weapons were on the ground. After about an hour of cleaning ourselves up, the first thing we did was hold a two-hour meeting with the principal on what the whole story was.

During the three weeks we were suspended, I couldn't stop crying for all of those days. Endless hours of tears and tissues filled my house, making my emotions and surroundings a complete mess of things. At that time, Ymir, Hanji and Krista were given proper burials at a very nice graveyard, the same one where my mother was buried. As for Petra, Reiner and Eren, their bodies were burnt and their ashes were sent to their heartbroken parents.

We were all alright. No major injuries like breaking or leg or dislocating and elbow. When the suspension was over, I cooled down and accepted the fact that my friends were dead. I didn't shed a single tear for Eren or Petra. They didn't deserve it.

It is now June fifteenth, the last day of school. The ceremony and speeches were over with, as everyone started to go home. As for me, the first thing I did was walk up to my mother's grave, standing there and looking down at it. I set pink and white flowers on it earlier, as it was still there. My black graduation gown was flowing in the breeze as I grasped my diploma tightly. I stood in silence for a while until I finally spoke up. "I did it, mom."

"It's been quite a journey without you here," I continued. "As you could tell, a lot of things happened... from pregnancy to tons of blackmail. Sometimes I think I don't deserve this life anymore... you know? I think that I am selfish. After that little battle, I wanted to die with my friends. But if I really did, they would've just died in vain: with no purpose or good note for leaving this world." I paused. "It's strange, but sometimes I hear their laughter in my head. I-I can see their smiles. I can feel their hands holding my shoulders, as they tell me softly that I can do it. It's like they died perfectly happily. Deep in my mind..." I choked on my own words. I pushed myself not to cry and keep talking.

"Deep in my mind..." I began again. "I could see us. All of us... together. Happy. Friendly. Hearts were never broken, and no trips to the hospitals were made." I thought of another topic to tell.

"I didn't end up with either of them. Levi is my best friend while Eren tried to kill me for a weird reason. Even if we all split up and move on with life, I'll never forget any of them. They were the reason I'm striving, living and chasing my dreams. I cannot thank them enough." Suddenly, a car honks their horn. I turn around to see Jean's car on the other side of the graveyards black fencing.

"(Y/N)! Come on! We're going for our special graduation dinner!" Jean shouts, waving his hand, motioning me to come in the car with them.

"Hurry! I'm hungry!" Sasha yells from the shotgun seat. Armin—from the back of the car— bops both of their heads and pokes his head in-between the two seats in front.

"Give her time, will you? She's having a moment," Armin commanded as they pouted and waited patiently for me. I laughed at their childishness.

"Okay, one second!" I shouted to them. I turn back to the grave... as I smile. "But my adventure isn't over yet," I whisper. I turn and run to the car. My heart was racing, and right then, I didn't care about the depressing things or the heartbreaking aura of the graveyard. Right now, it was my moment. My moment to feel... alive.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now