22 | Back to the Beginning

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I went to Eren's house, sadly prepared for the funeral. Eren told teachers about the body, who quickly called the police and the ambulance. It was quiet in the big house. Mikasa wasn't watching TV or doing her usual things. Her things from her locker were neatly put away in her room. Eren didn't touch anything else but just closed the door, and left the key in the room. No one would be able to go back in, unless they break open the door.

We sat in his kitchen quietly, staring at the granite island counter. He was in a black suit, as I was in a black dress. I bit my lip, trying to believe that she was dead. I didn't cry just yet.

Being at the funeral was hard. You had to listen to people speak and give speeches. Levi and Eren did. Eren's parents didn't come, because they didn't really know. It was time to go up to her body, and just look down and say personal things. I saw many of my friends here, either crying or watching sadly. I was in line next to people I didn't even know, and some teachers attended. It was finally my turn. I slowly walked up to the mahogany casket.

I tripped, even though I was wearing flats. I quickly straightened up and peered my head slowly inside. Her body was there, in the black and white dress she was wearing on the first day of school. I grinned. Instead of flowers, they neatly put her scarf Eren gave her in her hands, as she clutched it on top of her stomach. They sewed her lips together and put makeup on her face.

They closed her eyelids. I never would be able to see her beautiful, shining gray eyes again. She looked at peace. Tears landed inside the coffin as I spoke as softly as I could, trying not to tremble in my voice. "Mikasa," I said, sniffing. "I'm so sorry I didn't forgive you. I-I knew you weren't yourself. You were my b-best friend, I can't just let you go... It was because of me, it was all my fault. Just p-please hear me out..." I paused. "I love you. Remember all those times as freshman, where we would ditch school and talk about our struggles? Remember when Eren had a temporary crush on you? Remember when we used to bike ride on the streets and go to 7/11? Remember when you, me, Eren and Armin went to the beach and we buried Eren in the sand when he slept?

"I-I still remember the time we got in a fight once, because I stole your scarf and wouldn't give it back," I managed to chuckle between my crying. "You were always there, w-why can't we just live the simple life we had?" I paused once again; I could tell the people in line were getting impatient. They were at least a couple of yards away, so they couldn't hear what I was saying. "I'll remember you. When I go to college, if I have a family, when I'm in my rocking chair and my hair turns white, I'll look in the distance and remember you. I'll remember my best friend: Mikasa Ackerman."


It was day two of our plan for me to break up with Levi. I was too soft to break up with him, so Eren made a method. On Monday, I hung out with Eren much more. When he passed by, I pretended to say "I hate Levi" to Eren. I could tell he heard a little bit because he sped up his walking speed after that. I kind of found it funny. "Okay," Eren said. "Today is the two most embarrassing things to do," he laughed. I rolled my eyes. "You say 'I love you' passionately," he joked.

"Oh, shut up, Eren," I pushed his chest, laughing. He rolled his eyes.

"Just say it. Hurry he's coming," Eren pushed me by holding my shoulders. We faced each other casually. He walked by, as I said I love you. He peered back, then walked away. I looked back at Eren. We both burst out laughing. After fourth hour, we decided to do one last prank on him before we make him crack.

"Oh, god I don't think I want to do this," I laughed nervously. Eren and I were standing on the sixth step down to the basement, but a wall was blocking the view of us. If someone passed by, they would definitely hear us.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now