8 | P-I-S-S-E-D O-F-F

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"Wow, Petra, we haven't talked in forever," [Y/N] said, strolling down the halls with her, getting ready to go to sixth hour, which was Language Arts. [Y/N] really wanted to hang out with Eren right now, but friends are always first. Besides, it's been a couple months or weeks maybe since she interacted with Petra.

"Yeah, wasn't it? I'm glad I'm finally talking to you... I need someone from at least the same gender to listen to my one problem that's been bothering me since the first day of school," she said, looking down at her cream orange binder.

"Oh, well I'll always listen," [Y/N] assured, smiling. Petra looked over to her, trying to find trust in her eyes, then smiled back.

"Well," she started, her brown boots clacking on the floor harder. "I've been liking your friend, Eren Jaeger for a super long time now, and—" [Y/N] didn't even bother listening to the rest of her words. She guessed she never really got around much to know that Eren and her were dating. [Y/N] felt super bad for her though, since she was already hooked up with her crush, and she doesn't want to damage her already throbbing heart for him. Petra is such a sweet and innocent girl, though... there must be someone else that could like her... hmm...

Of course they were friends and all, but what if they get in a fight or what is she suddenly decided to betray [Y/N] and turn her back to face Eren, and start making out with him or something? What if they secretly date? [Y/N] decided to let go of the ripping subject and listen to her. She didn't just want to tell her that we're dating... "GAH!" [Y/N] said, as some random person tugged at her arm, pushing her into the empty Drama Club room. [Y/N] soon realized it was Hanji that tugged her and led her here. [Y/N] sat on one table. "Hanji? What is it?"

"Its super bad," she panted, worry written all over her face. [Y/N] was waiting for Hanji to continue, until she showed her phone to her as she tapped the play button. It was Eren and... some other girl... making out... [Y/N] analyzed. The video stopped as she looked at [Y/N], waiting for her reaction.

"That can't be real," she said, laughing it off.

"It is real. I saw it under the bleachers a few days ago."

"HE'S NOT LIKE THAT!" She yelled, anger boiling up. She couldn't help it. She put her act down and told her quietly that she did believe it, as tears started to stream down her face. Now I know how it feels for someone you love turns their back for someone else...

"Look. Besides all of this Eren crap, I heard what happened between you and Levi," she explained. "He told me everything, and I don't blame you. I know yours was an accident, but Eren's wasn't," Hanji lied.

"H-how do you know if it was on purpose?" [Y/N] sniffled, wiping the thin tears away.

"Because. The girl that was making out with him was Petra," she lied once again. Petra... [Y/N] thought. I knew it... that freaking traitor! "They didn't only make out. I realized you left after lunch one day, leaving Eren alone. That was the day I started to see him with Petra together, as they kissed in the halls. He was cheating on you, [Y/N]!" Hanji was a good liar, but not this good. She just wanted a good person like Levi to love her... after all, best friends stick up for each other, right?

She didn't look sad and gloomy anymore. She looked P-I-S-S-E-D. Hanji gave her a hug, and she didn't hesitate to hug her back. "Levi could help you with this situation," Hanji suggested, grinning and pulling away. "After all, he did hug you in front of the school that one day..."

[Y/N] laughed. "Hanji, you post the brightest of things," she joked. "Thank you... for the interesting information," she sadly smiled at her, then headed out of the room.

. . . . .

I stormed out of the room angrily, sadness, anger and happiness brewing up inside me. It felt like I was about to explode. Petra was at a nearby locker, looking at me. "Hey, [Y/N]! I've been waiting for you—"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, chucking the pencil I was holding (when Hanji was showing me the video) to Petra's face. It hit her forehead, as it made a little thump noise. She held her forehead and looked hurt. She walked forward to me a little bit.

"[Y/N], are you okay? You look—" I couldn't stand her. I pushed her against the lockers quite forcefully, as she fell down against it, her binders and papers flying everywhere.

"I thought you were my friend, but you betrayed me," I muttered, as I tried to hold back my tears. She looked awfully confused. "You know what I'm talking about," I continued. "I should've never trusted you." I furiously walked away when I heard Hanji come out of the room, and talking with Petra in the distance.

"What the hell did you tell [Y/N]?!" Petra screamed.

"I saw you making out with Eren five days ago," Hanji calmly replied.

"W-What? I never made out with Eren!"

"Sure you didn't," Hanji said. I didn't hear the rest, because I walked into Language Arts and sat down right when the bell rang.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now