18 | Not So Sober

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There was silence in the hallways. Everyone turned their heads, with shocked and surprised looks plastered on their faces. Annie heard from the distance. So, she thought. Armin got her pregnant... Annie felt furious. She walked away. She didn't know she got the wrong idea...

Krista, Ymir, Marco, Jean, Mikasa, Sasha, basically everyone heard. Eren's face paled. His eyes were still widened. He dropped his binders, textbooks and basically everything. His eyes averted to Levi and Hanji standing in disgust a couple of yards away.

"YOU!" Eren stormed up to Levi, his fists clenched.

"Eren! Stop!" Armin yelled, trying his best to keep him from causing a bigger scene by violence. He dropped his supplies next to Eren's. Armin ran toward him, knowing he was about to punch. He held his arms back, as a crazy Eren started to struggle. Armin was surprisingly strong enough to hold him back. "YOU GOT HER PREGNANT! YOU'RE THE FREAK WHO DID THIS TO HER!" Eren ranted, his eyes forming tears. Levi just stared at him blankly. "HER LIFE WAS PERFECTLY FINE UNTIL YOU HAD TO WALTZ INTO IT!" His tears starting spilling. Levi rolled his eyes. Armin grasped on Eren's struggling form tighter. "You BASTARD! SHE'S ONLY 17 AND LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! YOU JUST WANT TO FUCK HER INSTEAD OF REALLY LOVE HER?! You're a LIAR!" Eren shouted, his voice cracking when the tears gathered and spilled faster and faster.


Levi simply brought his fist up and punched him in the jaw, making him flail to the ground, as Armin stepped back from Eren.

"Shut up," Levi growled, "you mental little shit." He kicked Eren's head like a soccer ball: fierce and with ease. That made Eren flip over and hold his slightly bent temple. "This problem doesn't concern you. Stop acting like an over-protective bitch and grow the hell up." And with that, Levi left, with a bloodied and bruised Eren on the ground, still shedding tears.


Eren hasn't been showing up to school; too depressed. He left (y/n) voicemails, texts and missed calls four days ago. She hasn't answered. Eren never stood up, only on Monday, and that's when he got loaded. Loaded with alcohol, drugs and painkillers. The painkillers never worked, because it wasn't a physical thing. He took them anyway. Sitting on his bed was his main priority; fiddling with the endless bottles and staring at the ceiling. Mikasa was never at home because she was out with friends, and Eren's parents were still at that business trip over at the other wall.

He got drowsier and drowsier. He felt more tired and weak. He finally managed to get his phone from the far side of this desk next to his bed, as he slowly read the messages he's been getting. He didn't bother looking at anyone else's but (y/n)'s.

(y/n) <3: Eren! Where were you today?!


(y/n) <3: Mikasa is ignoring all my questions about you EREN ANSWER!!!!!!


(y/n) <3: Levi told me u knew about my pregnancy... im so sorry I should've told u sooner please don't be mad

(y/n) <3: EREN IT'S BEEN A WEEK!


34 missed calls from: (y/n) <3

Eren smiled at the thought that (y/n) cared about him. He decided to stand up, clutching his phone tightly. It took him a long time, but he managed to get his feet stable to the ground. He was sitting on his bed, prepared to stand. He lifted up, took a step, wobbled, then shot to the ground, collapsing, then hitting his head on the corner of his bed, as he was left there unconscious.

. . . . .

Like I said earlier, ditching school was simple. I just had to drive to Eren's house because it's been freaking two weeks since I've seen him. I finally reached there, as I knocked on the front door. No answer. I nudged on the doorknob, and the door was unlocked. I shrugged and stepped in. I could see everything was partially clean, laundry baskets on the floor and notes scattered in the computer room. I walked up the marble stairs and knocked on Eren's door. "Eren?" I asked, like a concerned mother. "Eren. Let me in," I sternly commanded. No answer.

I tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. I frantically searched for those tiny door keys, either on the ground or on the door frame. I kept knocking louder while searching. "Eren, please listen to me, open the door," I said. I found the key. I struggled to open it, and when I finally did, I pushed the door open.

I averted my eyes to him: on the floor like a dead body, as his forehead bled crimson, thick liquid. His eyes were closed and his mouth barely opened. His bed was on the left. Sheets and covers were everywhere, his pillows were pressed on like he just picked up his head from it. Wine, whiskey, vodka and rubbing alcohol bottles were scattered all over the room, especially on his bed. My eyes widened when I saw white pills everywhere, some on his wrinkled button-up, and most on the pillows. I shakily walked over to the bed, as I saw two gallons of... empty bleach bottles.

I covered my mouth, as I choked on air as my eyes felt warm and hot. Tears started to slide down my cheeks in a snap, as my knees buckled and I fell. I cried, my hair going everywhere, leaning on Eren's body like he was actually dead. I searched for his heartbeat, and it was extremely slow and faint. I started to freak out. I screamed, holding my ears while trying to pull out my hair. "Eren, Eren, Eren, Eren, Eren," I repeated, holding his cheeks as his body just lay there motionless. Tears piled up on his face. I shook his shoulders various times, but he wouldn't wake up.

I finally managed to call the hospital. They came, as they let me sit next to the stretcher on the ambulance truck. It was morning, and it looked like it was the most beautiful day ever, and that nothing ever happened. Why would he suddenly drug himself and drink? I thought, not daring to shed another tear. He's my best friend... why the hell would he do this?! 

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now