11 | Tip: Don't Drive When you Can't Feel your Legs

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Obstacle Track really sucks. Coach McKenna made me jump over everything after being only two minutes late; even on the hurdles I can't even reach. I tried to walk, but my legs kept failing on the job. I finally managed to stand and walk, but wobbly. I held the wall and various cars in the parking lot until I reached mine. It was raining like crazy, and I got drenched in buckets of cold rain. As I sat down in the driver's seat, I felt a ripping pain in my legs. I still couldn't feel them, even as I punched my thigh. Nothing. I had to go to Eren's house again for filming.

I was actually pretty excited to film today, because I would be with my fabulous boyfriend, Levi, the whole time, plus, this time Eren and I are going to film the fighting scene in our little relationship project. I've been waiting for this moment: I have soooo many comebacks to use. I started my car and managed to pull out and get going (which probably took me about eight minutes) on the road. It started to thunder loudly as streaks of lightning flashed within the sky. It was dark and cloudy, as my windshield wipers were doing a poor job of clearing up the window.

I suddenly felt tired. Dazed. My feet were about to give up on the pedal. I started to slack and lean back in my seat as the cool air conditioner brushed against my face. I closed my eyes and sighed. It was a horrible choice to make, because my legs gave off. I was paralyzed. My muscles couldn't move and I didn't want them to anyway. I felt bumps, sirens and cars honking their horns all around.

Then suddenly, a flash pierces through my eyes and the sound sunk into my eardrums. Everything went out like someone turning off a light. All just disappeared, as the darkness overcame me.

. . . . .

Eren was driving his car back to his own house from Dollar Tree to get some random props for the film. Everyone was waiting at his house, for him and [Y/N] to arrive. They sent him to the store, but they haven't heard from [Y/N]. She hadn't been there. She hadn't been answering her calls. We all knew she was done with Track about now, and Eren could tell she really cares about this project grade, because she was all gorgeously dressed up in the last scene from two days ago. I hope she's okay, Eren thought. He still cares about her. It's impossible for him to hate her for just not believing her.

Depression overcame Eren slowly, creeping up into his brain and poisoning his thoughts. [Y/N] and Eren were friends for three years, and now she hates him because she didn't believe Eren. Where the hell would Hanji get the idea of Petra and I dating? Does she know it was Annie harassing me...? Eren shook off all the stressful thoughts as the thunder boomed once again. It wasn't pouring as bad as last time, but it was still pretty bad.

The streets were partially flooded and sirens were everywhere. Crashes hung from the side of the roads. Eren wasn't really looking forward to do the fight scene. [Y/N] was his only love... and freaking everyone ruined it. Fuck you, Hanji, Eren thought, sighing in stress.

Eren drove quite slowly because of the watery streets, when he saw a car on the side of the road, not moving and its red lights were blinking. In the distance, it looked like... [Y/N]'s car. He pulled over behind the car. It was definitely [Y/N]s. He shut off his engine and leaned more forward to the front glass. The drops of rain were in the way, but he saw clearly. Eren didn't bother to go get an umbrella, he walked out of his car and walked along the edge of the road, not caring if cars swooshed by and saw him.

The car obviously looked crashed. The whole right side of it was bent and broken. Some smoke was visible within the damage. Eren freaked out and decided to finally walk up to the driver's seat window. It was a rainy night, so he couldn't see through it clearly. He put his face to it and cupped his hands over his eyes so he could see the thing he was focusing on.

He then saw [Y/N]. Her forehead and lip were bleeding, and her eyes were wide open, as her mouth was slightly open. She sat back on the seat like she was dead. Her head was tilted towards the side window.

"[Y/N]!" Eren shouted, pounding on the glass. No response. "Dammit, [Y/N]! What happened?! SPEAK TO ME!" No response again. Tears started to gather in his eyes as he hauled the door open and touched her face. His salty tears landed on her cold cheeks. He called the ambulance immediately, as he heard more sirens in the distance than before.


The piercing, bright light shone through my thin eyelids. It bothered me, so I opened my eyes slightly, averting my gaze to the side. I instantly remembered what had happened that night and rapidly lifted my eyelids up. The ceiling was white, with cafeteria lights on it. The bed felt soft, uncomfortable and tight. I lifted up, but a sharp pain followed. I instantly lay back down. So, I thought. This is what it feels like to be a patient at Karanese, huh? Suddenly, a figure hovered over me.

"[Y/N]!" The voice said. My eyes adjusted to see Eren. His turquoise eyes searched my face in anxiety. "Thank god you're awake."

"Help me up," I commanded. Right away, the beds half where my stomach and head were laying lifted up by a controlling machine. I see Eren more clearly now. He looks worried to death, and he's the only one with me. "Car crash... right?" I asked.

"Yeah... your doctor said you broke your ribs and left leg," Eren explained. "I found your car on the side of the road, and... I-I just broke down when I saw your face... you were wide eyed and bleeding everywhere."

"I'm sorry I worried you," I said. I felt kind of bad. Has he changed himself? He doesn't seem like a backstabbing prick... "I was paralyzed... I couldn't move... it was just so... scary." There was silence. It was awkward, sitting in a room with your ex, plus, that ex was your best friend for three years. Everything is just so damn complicated. I bit my lip, peeling the thin skin. He sat back, combing his fingers through his hair and sighing, then looking down at his hands. I decided to be the man and speak up. "About two days ago... I-I'm sorry I refused to kiss—"

"It's fine," Eren said softly. "I'm a liar to you, remember?" I bit my lip harder. Should I believe him? No way. Hanji had proof. "I didn't want to kiss you because I thought it was wrong. That I wouldn't like it, nor you would." Silence overcame the room again, when someone opened the door quite fast that scared me a little bit.

Sasha, Armin, Krista and Levi showed up. All of Group Seven. "Oh my goodness! [Y/N]!" Sasha said, hugging me awkwardly. I greeted all of my team as they sat down. "So, how are you?" Sasha curiously asked, eating a Twinkie.

"I'm okay," I responded. "My ribs and leg hurt, though."

"You should've been more careful..." Krista said, worriedly. I smiled as everyone and I picked up conversations on how Sasha and Levi did the role when I was gone, and that the assignment is turned in. All was good, but I had to use crutches for now on. After a while, everyone left to leave me and Levi alone in the room. He saw on the edge of the hospital bed and stroked my messy hair strands.

"I was worried sick," he softly said. I blushed pink as I grinned a little. "You're so clumsy," he insulted. His hair hung down as he looked down at me. He was gorgeous... better than any diamond or golden mansion.

"Levi," I said, holding his hand. "You've always been so caring..." He smirked as he leaned in, kissing me softly on the lips. It was like a 'feel better' mixed with an 'I love you so freaking much' kiss. He pulled away and brought his lips to my ear.

"Here's a tip: don't drive when you can't feel your legs."

Hope you liked it ;) More to come soon.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now