13 | Jelly Little Eren

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God, I'm done with myself. I've forgotten to update again! I've been so caught up with writing another story and with high school and all, ugh. BUT! A way you could interact and maybe remind me is to follow me on instagram [user: oohjenlee] and DM me! I'm open to answer questions and make a new friend. Please enjoy.


Eren got out of the hospital Monday afternoon. He was fine, but he lost a lot of blood and he had some stitches done. He refused to tell me who beat him up, and Mikasa just stood by his side all day. He had a scar across his eye and one at the top of his forehead. That one couldn't be noticed, because he had those bangs of his.

Not only noticing Eren, but Mikasa and Jean have been really... feisty lately. They would growl at each other and give death glares to ones faces. It's kind of creepy to me, and I don't even wanna know what's going on. Besides... didn't Jean like Mikasa? Did he not do his dare The Titan's gave him or something? Whatever. Not my problem.

Best thing about this week so far? I'm out of crutches! The bad thing is that Levi won't always be by me the whole way of every class. My ribs still hurt though, and I'm beginning to need to go to the bathroom more and I always feel dizzy these days. When Mikasa wasn't with Eren, (which was surprisingly often now) she was with Annie. I don't know why she would hang out with her, especially since Annie is always so cold and rude. Usually when I pass by, Annie is just listening to Mikasa rant on and on about something. Mikasa steps way too close to her. I was walking in the hallways, getting ready to go to fifth hour when someone tugged at my shirt fiercely, almost ripping it. The person dragged me outside, where I struggled to get out of its grasp, but I failed.

It was obviously a guy, since the hand was beefy and he was quite strong. He shoved me against the cold bricks of the school. I looked at him: Reiner. I gritted my teeth. What did I possibly do now to get The Titan's involved? "Remember those dares?" He asked, all deadly.

"I signed up for Obstacle Track, stupid!" I shouted. He rolled his eyes.

"Levi's dare," he corrected. What? I'm not Levi! What could it possibly have to do with me?! Then, I remembered Levi's full dare:

"Alright, Levi," Reiner said, smirking. "I dare you to kiss someone in the circle, and it has to be a girl. The girl also has to tell her closest friend that she kissed you."

"You have to tell your closest friend..." he whispered in a threaten-like voice. Why did he and his stupid gang know everything, like how I kissed Levi?

"Why do I have to?" I protested. "Why do we all have to do these stupid, pointless dares?" I'm sick of this. They're the ones ruining our lives! "It's just a game!" It wasn't Jumanji or Ouija. It was a simple dare game!

"Oh, [y/n]. Don't be like that," he cooed. "No one likes a helpless chicken," he finished, as I closed my eyes and was prepared to kick him so he would release my wrists on top of my head. But when I opened my eyes, he was gone. I was scared what he'll do to me, so I quickly rushed through the halls when I went back inside the school. The first person I saw was Mikasa, so I took her wrist and dragged her away from Annie, who didn't mind at all, and took her to the nearest empty place: a random tight space that was most likely a Supply Closet. The bell rang from the halls, as everyone rushed to their class.

"What is it, [y/n]?" Mikasa asked.

"Okay, promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked, worriedly. Do I have a limited amount of time to tell someone or something? She nodded, as I took a breath, prepared to tell her. "Levi and I kissed."


Eren was at home, trying to do homework when he heard the squeaking noise of his bedroom door being open. He ignored it, hoping Mikasa would walk away, since she was the only person living with him at the moment. He felt her presence still stand there for a while once he sighed. "What is it?"

"Your girlfriend kissed Levi," Mikasa blurted out. Eren sighed again as he ran is fingers through his messy hair in stress. Why must she bring that subject out now?

"She's not my girlfriend anymore," he informed, turning his chair to face her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I thought you said you guys were dating." She looked awfully confused now. Eren realized that Mikasa wasn't at the dare party last year or in the crowd of people staring at the fight between Eren, Adelyn, Hanji and Petra in the hall about two weeks ago. Eren shook his head. "Why did you guys break up?" She asked. Eren told her everything in a short summary.

"So now she's dating Levi," he concluded, sighing once again. Everyone discussed it within the halls, rumoring that he gave her flowers the first day she showed up to school with crutches and how he's so caring. Some chick told her little clique that he saw him kiss her at Hand-to-Hand Combat, and some girls were jealous.

"Shealsotoldmetheyhadsex," Mikasa rapidly stated, sweat beading from her temples. Eren's eyes widened, as he stopped leaning back on the chair and faced Mikasa like she was a free churro truck or something. I thought Levi was kidding when he told me Adelyn 'chose' to do it with him, Eren thought.

"Say that again," Eren commanded, slowly walking up to Mikasa. She did, but slowly, while her voice cracked at the thought. The depression hit him like a bus, and instead of flowing through his mind, it all came rushing in his whole body. He pushed passed Mikasa, and a few seconds later you could hear the front door being slammed shut, as a picture frame smashed on the ground, losing its balance on the wall.

. . . . .

My doorbell rang, as I opened it slowly. "Eren?" I asked. He looked worried as he stepped up and held my shoulders.

"[y/n], is it true?" He asked. Mikasa, why would you tell him?! I thought, sighing in distress. I pulled him in, bringing him to the couch with me.

"Why would you care?" I asked rudely, flipping through various channels on TV. I turned the volume down to listen to him.

"[y/n], because you've been my best friend for three years! I can't just let you go so fast!" I rolled my eyes but decided to let him speak. "[y/n], you can't believe what Hanji told you. Look, believe me or not, but I want to get this straight in your mind: Petra and I never dated, I never cheated on you, Petra wasn't the one who kissed me, and it was Annie. If you ask Hanji for you to see that picture again, you could clearly see it was her. She was doing that because I didn't do a dare she gave me. You were talking to Hanji when she told me it, and it was to ask out Petra. I didn't want to ask out Petra. I didn't even know her, and she was part of that group with Levi. I asked you out, and not for a dare or anything, because I actually loved you, and only you! Hanji was lying because Levi wanted her to, so he could win your love and not date me, [y/n], please believe me!"

I doubted him still. But... he proved a point. I was actually talking to Hanji when I missed a dare given... I could ask Hanji to show me the picture again... but to me, the picture showed Petra, and maybe he asked out Petra and me. "I don't know what to think, Eren," I sighed, putting the remote down. "I kind of believe you, but I-I'm not certain..."

It was silent, and the only thing you could hear was the TV's soft volume. "Did you really have sex with him?" Eren blurted. I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked down.

"It was such a mistake. We got carried away and..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say next. I guess a kiss was considered The Gate to Mistakes.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm a cheater to you," Eren said. I looked up at him, and we were dangerously close. We looked at each other in the eyes, not breaking the growing bond. Were we looking at each other as best friends? Or as... I guess we were leaning in, because we both tilted our heads opposite directions and our lips locked lightly. I didn't want to feel the third space between us anymore, so I leaned into him a little harder, finally kissing him. He pulled back. "I don't want to kiss you if it doesn't mean anything when other people are dying to have their first kiss," Eren said.

We both looked down. "I'm still in love with you," he finally said.

"I'm dating Levi," I confessed. He said he knew. Did I love him... or Levi?

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now