28 | It's Not Nice to Point Guns

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It was early morning Tuesday when I go to my locker. I head there extremely tired, but I was looking forward on what Eren meant by a 'surprise.' I wanted to go to the roof so badly, but it wasn't time to yet. The curiosity was killing me. I guess I have to get my mind off of the subject. When I reached my hallway, it was partially empty, since everyone was walking around the whole school, talking with their friends and whatnot. I spot my locker in the distance, when I see something stuck on it.

I furrow my eyebrows as I storm off to my locker, not even bothering to take the note off my locker. I just read it off it.

Don't be surprised to see someone other than Eren

on the rooftop today...


I completely ignored it and threw it behind me. R pisses me off. Whatever. After I threw it, I completely forgot what it said, and I don't plan to remember. I think I'm doing a good job of ignoring things. In homeroom and first hour, I did everything I was told, focusing on the teacher and the subject. It was a breeze. Second hour is when I reviewed everything that was happening so far. I wondered who R was. When will she or he reveal themselves? After class, I just noticed that my locker hasn't been holding beautiful gifts anymore, and that Eren was barely around.

I knew he had a surprise, but why would he avoid me today? I know it's only been a couple hours, but he usually is at his locker talking to me, but instead it's like he never goes there anymore... like he traded lockers with someone or something. I shake off the thought, knowing that Eren will see me after school.

I went to third hour early when someone tapped my shoulder. I slowly turn my head around to see Sasha sitting behind me, as her tablemates were talking loudly and annoyingly. "Hey (y/n)," she spoke, in a tone that tells me she's gonna tell me something.

"Yeah?" I ask.

Her eyes that looked into mine averted down, then back up a little bit. She bit the end of her pencil, indicating that she was nervous or was thinking hardly on something. I waited patiently for her to speak up. "Uh, never mind," she says, turning back to her table. I look at her hair.

"Are you sure?" I ask, a little curious of what she was going to say. She nods her head as I shrug, and look back forward.

After third hour, it was lunch. I walked alone to a random table and sat down, eyeing everyone. To be honest, I was searching for Eren. I looked all around me as I shifted myself 360° on the seat until I double checked. I saw him. He was hanging out with The Titans, sitting next to them while Petra wasn't so far behind. I raised an eyebrow.

Are The Titans nice now, or something? I'm really confused, but ignore everything as I focus on eating and drinking. I look to my left, remembering my mysterious, angelic encounter with Mikasa about two days ago. Maybe she'll appear again? Maybe she won't... Reviewing her Lesson of Love in my brain, I remember that I picked Eren.

Was Levi waiting for an answer? If he is, I would feel bad, stepping up to him by myself and telling him that. I huge laugh came from the table to the right. When I whip my head around, I see Petra laughing and clapping as Eren looked at her and smiled, while the rest of The Titans just smirked and laughed a little bit.

Suddenly, I think of how Annie is doing in jail. When she's bailed out, will she do something to me? Is she R? I'm making myself even more confused, I thought.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now