2 | Studying For French > Going to a Party

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"Okay, what about this one?" Mikasa asks, pulling up a dark purple long, flowy dress. Currently, Eren, Armin, Mikasa and you were at this random dress shop Mikasa wanted to go to, and she's been obsessing over like 4942 different designs right now.

"You know," You began, getting comfortable in the red leather couch you were sitting on next to the boys, "I think you would look good with dark, forest green."

"PURPLE LOOKS FINE!" Eren and Armin groaned, completely annoyed. You laughed as Mikasa huffed.

"I need something PERFECT for this Back 2 School party!" She yelled, putting the dress back where it was. She started furiously moving hangers to the left and checking out new dresses from the right, only to shove it to the opposite side with the other Dress-Dropouts.

"Why? Are you trying to impress someone?" You raised your eyebrows, smirking. You instantly imagined Jean dressing to impress her. She answered with a mean 'no'.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Armin called. You looked at him. "Why aren't you trying on dresses for the party?"

"I have to go to Obstacle Track," You stated, becoming more tired at the thought. You signed up for stupid Obstacle Track because it was a dare you 'had' to do. It started last year. Reiner—a member of the group: The Titans— invited everyone over for an 'end of school year' party. The last day of school was tomorrow, and he and his crew said we had to do the dares next year. He also stated that if you don't, he and his little buddies will 'get you'. You had to tell Hanji something (You forgot what it was) and you dragged her to a hallway to do so. When we arrived back at the circle, Annie already said Eren's dare and you missed it. Mikasa was sadly not at the party because she was sick.

"Alright, Levi," Reiner said, smirking. "I dare you to kiss someone in the circle, and it has to be a girl. The girl also has to tell her closest friend that she kissed you."

You barely knew Levi back then, but you still thought he was sexxayyy. He was emotionless when he received the dare. It was Bertholdt's turn, and he cocked his head over to Jean. "Stalk your crush for a whole week, recording him or her." It was pretty risky, but Jean gave in. The bad thing about this dare game is that there were no chickens allowed.

Ymir's turn was next, and she didn't look like she wanted to play at all. She picked the most random dare for you, and it was to sign up for an activity you hated. You were scared, her face was mean and her arms were crossed, so you gave in and signed up for Obstacle Track ahead of time so you would show up on the first lesson right after the first day of school. Everyone knew you hated Track, especially when there is an obstacle course involved.

Annie whispered Armin's dare, and you didn't catch what she said. Armin started to sweat on his temples when Annie pulled away. You always wondered what she had told him to do.

Back to reality, you notice Mikasa found a dress and was ready to go. Armin and Eren were glad she was finally done, until they jinxed themselves when Mikasa suddenly said that she hated the dress color and it was probably going to make her look 'fat'.


You were walking to lunch casually, thinking about how school is going. It was going great so far, A's in all your classes and Obstacle Track not being so bad for the first couple of weeks. You make your way to the lunchroom when you hear lots of people talking near the entrance.

"You're so fat!" Some guy says. You whip your head around to see a bunch of people surrounding Sasha at a lunch table, spitting words at her.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now