12 | Levi's Flawless Victory

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[Y/N] was out of the hospital with crutches and a weak body. Levi helped her go to classes, hold her things and help her from her constant tripping. The clumsy car crash rumor spread, and [Y/N] has been getting lots of flowers, 'hope you feel better soon' compliments, and other junk. Levi helped her to go to Hand-to-Hand Combat class. "Are you sure you want to help me? I could ask someone else," [Y/N] protested.

"No, I'll help you," Levi kissed her. "Go sit out. I'll get your things after class." She did what she was told and crutched over to the wooden benches outside. Levi was in the class too, and he hated how it was outside in a hot plain.

"ALRIGHT!" The strict teacher, Mr. Shadis yelled. "WHEN I CALL YOU AND YOUR PARTNER GO FIND SOMEWHERE TO STAND FOR SPARRING TODAY!" He zoomed through the names quite loudly, as people started to make their way to the field with their partner. Levi listened when he heard his name being called by the freakishly loud teacher. "LEVI ACKERMAN AND EREN JAEGER!" Levi looked over at Eren right when he glanced at Levi. They found an open spot. Once all pairs were called, Mr. Shadis announced that first will be Punch Sparring.

Eren and Levi pretended to punch each other, just for muscle memory of what to do. They glared at each other with disgust. "You should get away from [Y/N]," Levi commanded, his voice going over their constant feet-shuffling noises against the plain. Eren narrowed his big eyes. "You already damaged her heart enough."

"She's my friend."

"Really? Would a friend refuse to kiss you for a film? Would a friend ignore you and never forgive you for cheating on her?" Levi purred, throwing his punch a centimeter away from Eren's face, as he shifted to the left.

"You know I didn't cheat on her, you bastard. Hanji's proof can't surpass her belief in my words," Eren said, gritting his teeth. He got angry and threw a real punch at Levi's face, but he quickly dodged it by gliding his head to the right.

Levi started to chuckle. "Well, Hanji clearly surpassed you. Just get the fact through your thick skull: she hates you and always will. And besides. You don't have any physical proof to show [Y/N] it wasn't Petra, and even if you interview her or anyone else, they could be lying to be on your side." Eren got furious with his words. Levi is the one that is lying, and Hanji, his little assistant, is in fact lying to be on his side. Levi pissed Eren off.

"It was Annie that made out with me because I didn't do a dare to ask out Petra," Eren said, as Mr. Shadis yelled to everyone to switch to Free Sparring: kicking, punching and anything else.

"You think I don't know that?" Levi asked, annoyed. He threw a roundhouse kick at Eren's hip. Eren narrowed his eyes and turned red in his cheeks from the heat of the blazing sun above.

Eren got burning, flaming hot mad. "Why?! WHY? Why would you break us apart?! You just can't stand the fact that I got her first. Lying to her doesn't make a real relationship, Levi! You son of a bitch!!" Eren ran toward Levi and punched him across the cheek. Levi quickly recovered as he took Eren's neck, choking him. It took a good thirty seconds for him to finally let go, as he kicked Eren down in the stomach. Eren was even redder in his cheeks, as he started to get his breathing stable again. He scrambled up and charged. Eren side-kicked Levi's hip, as he turned and roundhouse kicked his side.

Levi stumbled back, as he walked up to Eren again and pulled at his hair, with his other hand punching his cheek, throat, then shoulder, sending him back. Eren was on the ground. Levi, above him, showed no mercy. He kicked his stomach, lightly kicked the bottom of his chin and kept kicking Eren like a soccer ball, making him roll around in the ground.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now