31 | Three with Halos, One with Hell

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Krista shouts a blood curling scream as everyone instantly whipped their heads and averted their wide eyes to her, stopping what they are doing. Eren's gun is still pointed to Levi's head, but he didn't realize. Jean and Reiner turned around, even though they were still on top of each other. Ymir and Hanji held their position where their knives were still clashed into each other's as they turned. The blonde was against the cinder border as she yelled. "EREN! If you kill (y/n), I'll jump off the rooftop and never feel the pain of my two closest friends dying!"

Everyone widens their eyes even more, shocked that she would seriously commit suicide for (y/n) and Mikasa. Krista was already in great depression. It would be easy to join them in heaven and not feel any more pain on Earth. "NO!" Ymir shouts. "Get OUT!"

"EREN!" Reiner yells. Eren turns over to him from yards away. Reiner looks serious as he yells again. "Kill (y/n) already!"

"NO!" Ymir shouts. The Titans are confused at Ymir's words. Ymir couldn't take it anymore. She had enough. Krista was already standing on top of the small wall, looking down at the ground. Eren aimed his gun over to (y/n), as she was petrified once again. Ymir has no choice but to run towards them. "STOP IT!" Her running gets faster, she sprints over and shouts the whole way. "WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE TO SERVE ANNIE? WHY DO WE HAVE TO DAMAGE AND SLAUGHTER LIVES?! I HONESTLY DON'T WANT KRISTA NOR (Y/N) TO DIE!! STOOOPPP!" She jumps.



Two bullets were shot. Not on (y/n), but Ymir. She jumped in front of her to save her life. (y/n) was crying non-stop and loudly in Sasha's arms, her face turning read as her knees started to weaken. Eren realizes what he's done. He hears Reiner's voice, faded through his mind as he shouts. "IT DOESN'T MATTER, SHE BETRAYED US!"

"YMIR!" Krista yelled, getting off of the roof and running towards her body. There was blood gathering around her chest and neck. Her eyes were closed. Tears were falling on her lifeless face as it first rolled from Krista's cheeks. She gets angry as she clenched her fists, still looking at the ground. "You..." she muttered. Everyone was confused, still looking in shock at the scene. "YOU!" She screamed, launching herself at Eren. He was certainly not expecting her tackle. He almost fell but he stepped back to regain balance. His fingers went numb at her loud scream as she snatched the gun away from his grasp.

She grasped the handle and still looked at Eren with a deadly glare, backing away slowly. Her hair was messy, her cardigan was shifted off her right shoulder and her mascara was smeared under her eyes. She then aims the gun at Eren, her teeth gritting inside her closed mouth. She looked like she was about to explode with tears.

Eren didn't move, he just stared at her with wide eyes. Her arm started to tremble and her finger was hesitating on the trigger. Everyone didn't interfere, they just kept back and accepted what was going to happen. Shuffling was heard. Reiner pushed Jean off of him and ran toward Krista. "Goddammit, STO—"


Reiner stopped running. Everyone's eyes widened. (y/n) turned around from Sasha, as she covered her mouth, staring in pure shock. At the last second, Krista had shoved the guns barrel into her mouth and shot herself, her body landing right next to Ymir's.

Krista and Ymir. The two lovers, dead side-by-side, in the middle of a childish fight. They didn't deserve this. "No..." (y/n) whispered. The only person that was still active in the whole situation was Jean. He stood up and aimed his gun at Eren. Without hesitating, he pulled the trigger. Eren saw him in the corner of his eye and quickly ducked. The bullet landed with a huge sound, as it zipped right through the water tank behind. Water started to quickly spill on the roofs surface, making everything much more complicated now. After about a couple of seconds, there was red.

Red blood drizzling out of the water tank, with a mixture of water. They never cleaned it?! Jean thought. Jean runs over to his right, joining Sasha and (y/n), standing next to them, asking if they were okay or hurt. Armin follows behind, as Hanji trails behind him. All of them gather around each other, asking caring questions and trying to calm each other down.

Eren snickers as he takes the gun Krista formally had as he walks to the opposite side of the little huddling group. Reiner and Bertholdt walked behind him frustrated, not wanting to believe Ymir switched sides. It was (y/n)'s fault, is what they thought. Levi scans the whole roof. The three bodies, the leaking water tank, the backpack on the ground. It was a complete mess. What a disaster. He spots Ymir's knife on the ground. He grabs it as he sees what's in front of him. To his left, there was basically the 'good' side: (y/n), Jean, etc. To his right, he saw The Titans and the extra toy in the package: Eren. Levi backed up, standing outside of the little aura, as he had a front row seat to the little war.

Eren and his team get situated as he pulls out his gun and aims it at (y/n), from seven yards away. Sasha and Jean think quick as they pull theirs out, threatening to shoot Eren. Eren rolled his eyes and faced (y/n)'s two friends. "She's useless. If you stop defending her, everything could just roll smoothly," he bribed, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head while looking down. He was disappointed that it took such a long time to kill the girl.

"We're not selling or giving (y/n) to you!" Hanji retorted, yelling toward him with a grim look on her face, wishing badly she had a gun to get everything over with.

"It could have been simple, but you idiots had to make it difficult," Reiner sighed. "Ymir was so stupid to defend her. Every time someone does that, the body count just rises." Sasha was red with anger as she let out a scream to them.

"We'd do ANYTHING for her!"

"STOP!" (y/n) interrupted, making everyone silent and turn to her. She was weak. Bruised. Bloody. Her clothes and hair was a scattered mess. Her lip was bleeding as she spoke. She lost balance as her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, struggling to put her hands up. Her throat felt tight as her nose felt hot as well. She forced herself not to let out any tears. Not anymore. "Just kill me..."

"Ade—" Sasha's concerned voice was cut off.

"It's better than all of my friends risking their precious lives to save someone worthless as me." (y/n) concluded, looking down at the ground, as her hands were still up. She surrendered.

No one speaks. No one moves. They all look at her with widened eyes and their mouths gaped open. A minute later, Eren and his team laugh. Everyone looks back at them. They laugh some more. And more. And more. When they finally are finished, Eren looks up and smirks. "Now that's a good girl."

Bo— Right when he fired the gun, Levi threw his knife at Reiner, as it sunk in his head, taking him down as a bloody puddle started to surround his lifeless body. "NO! STOP!" Hanji screamed at Eren. Sasha and Jean reacted and both shot Eren right in his head. Hanji jumped in front of (y/n), as the bullet Eren shot landed on her leg, making her tumble down.

"NOOOOO! STOP!!" (y/n) screamed, scrambling up from her position. "NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE.... PLEASE!" (y/n) shouted some more. She crawled up to Hanji's body and sobbed into her jacket. (y/n) pulls at her own hair and screams. She goes crazy. She hyperventilates. She wheezes. She can't let go of Hanji when she's getting pulled back from her sobbing members. The scene was loud and painful to watch.

(y/n) grits her teeth, her jaw aching. She grabs Hanji's knife as she throws it at Eren, as it lands on him. He falls from that and the two bullets that punctured through his intestine. Her eyes were blurry, and they were getting foggier at the second. Her tears release as she cries loudly. (y/n) looks down at Hanji's body and everyone hovering over it. Levi stares in regret as his mouth curves more downwards than usual. His bags are visible as his hair was flowing in the breeze. His bloody hands were relaxed at his sides and his knees felt weak.


Out of nowhere, a mini explosion erupted, knocking out Levi as he fell to the ground from the impact. Everyone quickly whipped their heads around as they fell back to the ground, but not fainting. "Levi!" Armin shouted, as everyone rushed over to him. The bomb came from the backpack.

Instead of leaving a gracious gift, Petra put a bomb in there. How pleasant. "Le—" (y/n) couldn't finish her yell. She blacked out, falling into the empty darkness. 

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now