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Beautiful! Was the first thought which came in Annika's mind watching the sunrise. It was a divine feeling which calmed her mind and soul both. Capturing the moment in her camera, she smiled. She loves photography as it brings her satisfaction. Saving the shots, she moved towards her car.

Sitting in the driver's seat, she turned on the radio and moved towards her next destination. The RJ was talking about the weather and romance making Annika smile in amusement. She had never experienced love with someone who is not her family. This romantic love was unknown to her, the truth was she never ever had a crush even. Umm..celebrity crush, yes! But nothing more. She had a big crush on Chris Hemsworth, since the time she had seen him in Thor. Christopher Hemsworth is an Australian actor and she loved him. First because of his looks and that damn body and second he simply is hot so his acting is also hot. Lipsing the songs she soon reached the temple. Her destination.

Annika actually came here to capture the peacocks, they are usually around the temple this time. It's too early, precisely half past five and she could feel the air a bit chilly. Taking her camera she spotted a perfect place for her. She saw a peacock spreading her feathers and clicked some pictures. She moved forward slowly to capture some close-ups but a 'thud' sound got her attention. The peacock also walked away getting alerted. With a disappointing look she walked away from there to the sound spot.

She saw an old lady on the stairs, her back was facing her. She quickly ran upto her with big steps. Bending down she turned the lady and came face to face with a very well known face of Kalyani Singh Oberoi.

"Dadi!" She gasped shockingly

Kalyani Singh Oberoi was the only one who knew about Annika's and Priyanka Sing Oberoi's friendship. She didn't mind it and was pretty cool with the fact that they are friends inspite of being rivals. She believed in keeping rivalry to business only. Dadi loved her granddaughter Priyanka and so she loved Annika as well. Though Dadi told them to be more open about their friendship but they knew Shivaay Singh Oberoi , Priyanka's elder brother won't appreciate this and same goes for Annika's brother, Ahaan Kabir Chaudhary.

Taking out a bottle from her bag, she quickly sprinkled some water on Dadi's face trying to bring her back in consciousness. Dadi blinked her eyelashes and became conscious.

"Annika" She breathed and grasped Annika's hand.

"Dadi. What happened? Why are you here so early and that to alone?"

"Oh! I came here to pray for Rudra, it's his birthday today. I don't know how I got fainted, it must be weakness or my BP must have been low. Don't worry, child. I will be alright." Dadi tried to calm Annika down.

"Where is the driver?" She asked getting worried

"I send him back to get some offerings which I forgot back home."

"Dadi! You should not have come alone and that to this time. Come, I will drop you home."

"But I didn't gave the offerings yet..."

"Dadi, the driver will come and will give it to the Priest."

Dadi smiled and agreed with Annika.


Supporting Dadi from one hand, Annika moved towards the entrance and got inside the Oberoi Mansion. Annika had actually came here once for a party and it was like years ago. She was a kid back than and now a lot has changed.

As soon as they entered, Annika met her inspiration, her favorite artist Omkara Singh Oberoi, Shivaay's brother. He was the definition of perfection and multi-talented person. He can write, draw, paint, do sculptural art and a great speaker. All in one.

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