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"What do you want?" Shivaay asked looking at her adorable pout. She has been standing in his study for 10 minutes and keeps saying random stuff. He knows she is here to tell him something but hesitates to speak. He has come early today around 6 in the evening as he has some work from home.

"I have an important meeting at 7 and I don't know how long it will take." He stated looking into her eyes which turned sad.

"Meetings! Meetings! And Meetings!" She huffed annoyed. Well, she was here to tell him about her weekend plan with the girls but she is scared of his reaction. Her heart says he will throw a tantrum.

"It's an important meeting, Ahaan will be there too." He said nonchalantly while looking into the files. It's their last chance to stabilize Chaudhay's empire otherwise they will have to sell a few shares for sure.


"You look tensed." She started looking at him and he sighed.

"It's nothing." He mumbled softly with a smile

"Liar!" She accused and walked closer to him to settle herself on his lap. He too pushed his chair back so that his pretty little wife could sit comfortably.

Annika kissed his forehead which had frown lines and they were gone the very second. She then kissed his eyes followed by his nose, cheeks, chin, and lastly his lips.

Shivaay felt all the tensions leaving his body. He was at ease. Her movements were slow and gentle, her soft lips moving against his smoothly. He reciprocated with fervour and deepen the kiss, sucking her luscious plumps.
She moaned feeling his hands travel inside her top, caressing her bare skin.

Slowly, they pulled apart to catch their breath. His stress was long forgotten. A smile gazed his lips watching his wife panting with swollen lips. Bending down, he pecked them making her smile.

"Shivaay, which part of my body you like the most?" She asked out of nowhere while caressing his chest. He frowned listening the unexpected.


"Casually. I watched a reel on insta so thought to ask you the same." She responded embarassed.

"I like these chubby cheeks." He said and bit her cheeks lovingly. He just really adores them. They are the cutest when they turned bright red.

"And I like your lips, so sweet, so soft and when you pout, I feel like to eat them." He mumbled and pecked her lips again.

"Then there are your eyes, which are so innocent but they turn sexy when you flutter your eyelashes at me." He stated admiring her eyes and kissed each of them making her heart flutter.

"How can I forget the cute little button nose. The way they srunch when you whine is the most adorable sight." He pulled her nose making her whine.

"Yeah! Just like that." He muttered with a smile. This man is a fucking green forest. She realised. How stupid of her to test him.

"You are the best man out there and I am glad that you are all mine." She said with all possessiveness and pulled him in a hug making him chuckle at her cute childishness.

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