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Annika cried hugging her brother, Ahaan. Those 15 days passed in a blur and now she is biding her goodbye. She didn't knew that it would hurt her so much to leave them behind and start her new journey. She would no longer see them daily and it was something she will really miss. She will miss watching them happy but above all she will miss her big brother. Ahaan was her world since she was a kid, he was her father in all sense. He may not have given her birth but he took all the responsibility of a mother and father, both. She didn't knew how she is going live without them beside her, like every other girl Annika too had her own insecurities and dilemmas but she knew that at the end of the day she will find herself with them. They will always be there for her no matter what. This distance will only increase their love for each other.

"Enough! No more crying." Ahaan cooed and wiped her tears. To him she become the same little Annika who used to cry when he would be late from school. He couldn't hold back his own tears, he kissed her forehead and hugged her back. How can he let her go? It was hard for him. She was his everything, his whole world used to revolve around her. He loved her too much. He had seen her grow, walk and run. She was, is and will always remain his little princess. No one can take her place. No one can ever replace her, he can never forget her. It would be so hard for him to come back home and not see her cute smiling face. He would no longer have her tight warm hug, no more cheek kisses on which he used make faces but deep inside he would give up everything for those cheesy kisses. He will miss those cute bantering between them, the scolding he used to receive from her cute serious face. She had grown so much that he didn't realize that one day his princess will become someone's else queen.

"I will miss you sweetheart." Ahaan whispered and kissed her cheek making Annika cry more harder. Shivaay couldn't hold back himself anymore. He didn't expected Annika to cry this much. Now, he had started feeling bad for her. Annika was still very young. Just 24. He could see that she somewhere was still a baby who doesn't know how to live away from her family. They never left Annika alone, she was always home. He could see that how much she loved them but one part of him was selfish and wanted her not to cry so much since she was going to live with him. She should be happy like him. Shivaay was feeling at the top of the world after their marriage. He couldn't express how good he was feeling. It was an amazing feeling, a divine satisfaction and genuine happiness. The moment he applied sindoor on Annika, his heart was filled with joy. She belongs to him now. Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

"Shivaay" Ahaan's voice broke Shivaay's chain of thoughts and he looked at him. Annika was no longer hugging him, instead she was now in her sister's embrace.

"Look! I just wanna tell you that Annika can be childish, immature and naive at times but she has a heart of gold. I know you will always protect her. So I won't ask you anything but.."

"But?" Shivaay encouraged him to speak further

"Don't touch her. She is still a kid so you must keep yourself in your pants." Ahaan threatened him in his dead serious voice. He was just teasing Shivaay, it's always fun having Shivaay under him. He knew he wouldn't do such things but he had to play his big brother role. On the other hand, Shivaay was caught off guard from his bold statement and glared him.

"Shut up!" Shivaay mumbled and looked at Annika who was hugging Gauri and smiling at something. He was relieved after watching her smile and he sighed in satisfaction.

"You like a creep watching my little Annika like that." Ahaan mumbled disgustingly making a face.

"Like what?" Shivaay asked irritation lacing his words. He knew Ahaan was just messing with him but now he was really getting on his nerves.

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