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Shivaay playfully pulled her close and rubbed his nose with her making her smile. Annika leaned down and angled her face to kiss him. Their lips brushed and Shivaay's phone rang simultaneously.


Shivaay cursed and looked at the screen to find Ahaan's name flashing on the screen.

"That Bastard!" He muttered while Annika glared him

"He is my brother" She said narrowing her eyes and soon Shivaay started checking her jewelries and clothes.

"Is their a camera or something?" He asked making her confuse


"How the hell did he called at the right time? Devil!" Shivaay mumbled feeling sad making Annika chuckle.

"Answer the phone." She commented nudging me.

"What?" Shivaay snapped as soon as he answered the call

"Are you on periods? What's with this snappy mood in the morning ?" Ahaan asked chuckling at the other side

"Shut up!" Shivaay growled and gave Annika an angry look to which she pouted innocently.

"Looks like my sister is giving you a hard time." He continued teasing him from the other side .

"No, actually she was giving me a kiss, her first kiss." Shivaay taunted back with a sly smile making Ahaan silence for a while.

"You pervert, stay away from her. Give phone to Annika. " Ahaan sneered from the other side making Shivaay smile victoriously

"Shivaay! Why did you do that?" Annika complained and frowned at him. Now she will have to face the embarrassment.

"Good morning bhai" Annika greeted as Shivaay put his call on speaker.

"Morning my baby. How are you and why are you not answering my calls?" Ahaan responded with concern making Annika smile at her adorable big brother.

"I was busy with rituals, I am sorry. How are you ?" she asked in her sweet voice

"I am missing my sweet little cupcake." Ahaan whispered back sadly making Annika giggle at his cuteness. He always talked to her like a baby.

"Your cupcake is missing you too." she said smiling sadly while Shivaay was 'aww' at his wife's cute face and their lovely talks though he was not sure if he really liked that endearment.

"Why are you kissing that Arrogant Bastard?" Ahaan grumbled

"Bhai! He was not leaving me and I had to make my first sweet dish so..."

"So? Don't tell me was forcing you?" Ahaan said gritting his teeth

"No..No" Annika quickly defended back giving Shivaay a puppy look who had his jaw dropped.

"I have to make my sweet dish." Annika quickly changed the subject and sighed with relief.

"You know what? Just add spice in his sweet dish."Ahaan suggested from other side with a mischievous voice and laughed.

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