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"Your saree is loose, it's better you remove it." Shivaay suggested and opened the safety pin tucked on her shoulder. The saree fell making Annika feel more naked.

Does he realize the temperature is turning too hot or is just me?

Annika mumbled to herself and looked at him who was busy caressing her back with his gentle touch. She realized her back has all the attention of her dearest husband and here she is feeling all hot and bothered because of him.

Get your mind out of gutter, Annika!

She scolded herself and gave Shivaay a shy smile. Holding her blouse tight from the front, she walked towards the dressing table. Shivaay's gaze than moved towards Annika's fallen saree and back to her opened blouse. He could feel the shift in the atmosphere, his adam's apple bobbled and his eyes turned a bit darker. Annika unaware about the changing mood looked at him through the mirror while picking up the lotion and they had an eye lock. Annika innocently smiled at him and turned back towards him. 

"My skin is too sensitive. You know, I got this from my mother. When i was a kid, Ahaan bhai used to take care of me. He always applied baby lotion on me and made sure that i wear cotton or pure fabrics clothes." she casually informed him and settle down on bed.

"You still use baby lotion?" he asked curiously after taking the lotion from her.

"Oh, yes! It suits my skin and moreover it makes my skin soft like a baby" She replied embarrassedly with a shy smile. He smiled looking adoringly to her.

He applied the lotion on her back softly, paying a close attention to her rashes.  She really do have a soft skin like silk. He kissed her on the back lovingly and mumbled "my baby".

"Shivaay can I ... we.." Annika's words came to a halt hearing Shivaay's phone ring.

"Had to take this." Shivaay mumbled and took the call.

"Yes, what's the progress?" Shivaay asked as soon as he picked up the call. There was a slight pause and Shivaay's facial expressions changed. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes to calm himself down.

No one can do their work properly. I have to work my ass off for everything.

He cursed and left his room for privacy. He just couldn't scold someone in front of his precious wife. Didn't want to show her how much of an asshole he can be to others when it comes to work.

"I don't care if you were going to be on leave from tomorrow. You have to complete the work and give it to me on the assigned date. If your group is incompetent, you being the boss have to own up to it. Not run away from your responsibilities. I hope I made myself clear." He said calmly going towards his study.

"Guess what, I got married yesterday and here I am doing my job. So don't give me this marriage bullshit. Postpone your honeymoon or complete your work before your honeymoon. The choice is always yours." Saying this Shivaay cut the call and went back to his work.

Honeymoon, like seriously?

He sighed and huffed looking at the pending urgent emails. He really wanted to be with Annika and listen what she had to say to him but he is busy. He really is very busy. Being on leave for 5 days offically, had piled up the work even though he was unofficially on work. Managing so many things at once is not easy, The Oberoi's , The Chaudhary's and then his own ShivOmRu empire.

God! Let's get back to the business Shivaay.


Annika was waiting for Shivaay and smiling to herself. She was really going to ask Shivaay if they can kiss, more like if she can kiss him. She doesn't know but there is this strange urge to kiss his lips. To erase that little barrier between them. They have to take these small steps. These days people start their relationship on the basis of hookup and here they are in a relationship without even sharing a single kiss, making out is still out of concern. Looking at the clock, Annika sighed.

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