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"Sir, Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi is here." A man whispered in a hushed voice making Ahaan astonished. He wondered what Shivaay was doing here in his office and that too on a sunday?

"Call him in" He said and sighed tiredily. Ahaan was in a mess, his business was at stake. His father wasn't doing well and off course his sisters were worried which he didn't liked a bit. Ahaan was family person, he loves them to the core especially Annika. Annika was his little sister, practically a baby to him. He was 7 years older to her and ever since their mother left them he cared & loved Annika more than anything. This doesn't mean he didn't care about Mallika, he loved her too but she wasn't that younger. They just have a year gap between them and Mallika was not a baby type. She was a mature kid, very understanding and caring just like their mother. She took care of Annika just like him. He was 10 when their mother left them, Mallika was 9 and Annika was just 3. He remembered Annika crying for days for  their mother and that moment Ahaan decided to be a mother to her. Mallika supported him and soon their world started revolving around her.

Ahaan was disappointed by his father. He was never home, they barely see him. Though time changed and his father regretted not being for them but Ahaan could not forget the pain he and Mallika endured alone. He hated his father when he used to come drunk at home, for God sake they had two girl child in the home. The last thing he wanted was more bitter memories. He remembered how he used to hide him from them and his scars which were way too deep. Yes, his father had abused him though just twice but it was enough for Ahaan to remember it till now and maybe till his last breath. At times he wondered how Mallika and Annika had forgiven their father while he couldn't.

"Where are you lost?" Ahaan quickly looked up to find the Shivaay Singh Oberoi staring at him.

"I was wondering why your fucking ass is here?" He snapped

"Now, if I would you, I would surely like to watch my tongue thrice before speaking. " Shivaay replied calmly and sat on the chair as if belonged there.

"Is this the way you talk to your senior?" Ahaan asked raising his eyebrows . Ahaan and Shivaay had gone to same college, Ahaan was a year ahead of him. Shivaay and his sister, Mallika were of same age.

"Shut up!" Shivaay snapped. He didn't like it a bit, they had some terrible memories together. They both used to pull each other legs and always had a fight on pity things.

Ahaan chuckled at his sour expression. Well! It was always fun annoying Shivaay.

"So why here?" Ahaan asked leaning a bit forward.

"I have a offer for you."


"I will help you if..."

"If ?"

"If you agree to give your sister's hand to me. I want Annika to marry me."

Ahaan was pissed would be an understatement. He was boiling with rage. Punching his fist hard on the table he stood abruptly causing his chair to fell down with a loud noise.

"You Bastard!" He roared while Shivaay was calm. He knew Ahaan would react like that, he was very protective of Annika.

"Calm down! Ahaan. You are over reacting."

"I am over reacting? Just keep your mouth shut ,okay? How can you even think of Annika in that way. She is a kid , you idiot. "

"Kid? Really? She is 24 not 4. I agree it's quite early to get married but it's not bad as you make it sound."

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