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Watching Annika in such a night dress made Shivaay stir on his couch. He couldn't look away from her exposed cleavage and flesh. It looked so soft and appealing, that he just wanted touch them, taste them and maybe even bite them.

How can she tease me like this?

He wondered and tried to focus on her face which was glowing. She was smiling looking at him and wasn't saying anything. He cleared his throat and made a slight sound but she didn't said anything as if she was in a daze.

Annika couldn't believe that on the other side was Shivaay, her husband. It felt so sureal and looking at him her heart was beating too fast. How quickly things changed between them. He was her first crush and now her husband. She still remember the party where she had first spoken to him. It took lot of courage to go to him and talk. Well! That day she wanted to tell him that she likes him but ended up asking whether he wants an orange juice ? Since that's what she was drinking and hence quickly came with that silly question. She vividly remembers Shivaay's expression, he looked at her as if she was the dumbest creature in the world. But he still smiled at her and that moment Annika thought that she would faint. He was very charming and she has never seen him smiling. It was her first and she loved his dimples. That was their first conversation and now here they are. Annika was 19 at that time and Shivaay, 25.

"Annika!" Shivaay called out making her realize that this is actually a reality.

"Oh! I am sorry." She muttered embarrassedly

"It's okay. What were you doing?" He asked her casually. He missed her. He wanted her to be in his arms that is where she belongs.

Annika was lying on her stomach on the bed keeping her face a bit above with the help of her elbows. She had put the phone against a pillow. She gave the clear view of her cleavage and innocent face.

"I was eating strawberries with melted chocolate." She said excitedly and sat up to turn around to grab the plate. In that moment she obviously didn't thought much, and turned on her knees. Bending down to grab the plate, she didn't realize that she gave Shivaay a show. An unforgettable show.

Shivaay gasped and his breath hitched looking at Annika's ass that was peeking out of her white cotton panty. What was she doing today? Did she wanted to kill him? She quickly turned back and got into her prior position keeping the plate beside her.

"You have tried it?" She asked

"W..wwhat?" He fumble and took deep breath to calm his hormones.

"This" She motioned and took a strawberry then dipped it into chocolate. Shivaay looked at it nonchalantly and shrugged a no. She gave him an amaze look and put that strawberry in her mouth. Taking a bite, she moaned and closed her eyes. She was relishing the flavor and Shivaay was gawking at her like a hungry man.

"It's Amazing. You should try it." She told him excitedly and while doing so a few drops of chocolate fell on her bosoms and cleavage.

"Oh! Oh!" She exclaimed and put the strawberry aside and looked for a tissue. On finding none nearby, she quickly wiped the drops by her fingers and sucked them one by one. She was completely oblivious of the man who was so turned on right now watching her doing something so innocent yet so dirty that he might just come at her place to claim her his.

"Annika! I will call you back." He said hurriedly making her frown


"Urgent call."

"Oh! Okay. I will wait." She replied with a small smile and the call was cut.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fucking hell!" Shivaay cursed after cutting the call. He can't believe his junior was hard down there.  He calmed down and took a deep breath but nothing could erase that erotic picture of her moaning, biting and sucking. Gosh! If he could just go and get her here. He never knew something so innocent and someone so innocent could spike desires in him to this extent of craziness. He has celebrated celibacy till now but not anymore. He wanted her. He wants to drop the chocolate all over her body and lick it clean. Those plump full lips should be on his body, around his cock and doing everything dirty he had imagined of.

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