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Annika was upset. She didn't like how the conversation end between them but she didn't want to come out as a weak and submissive wife. She respects Shivaay a lot but that doesn't mean he will take her family for granted. He has to fulfil his duties and should divide his time properly. Professional life can't take place of personal life. She has said so much about him to her family and here he is not even coming for a lunch. This will make a negative impression of his in front of her family. Her family would feel that she is lying about him and his care. Why can't he just cancel one meeting? She was angry at him and at the same time feel like crying because they fought. The feeling was difficult to comprehend. She felt bad, sad and a bit overwhelmed. Though Shivaay didn't said anything harsh to her but she didn't like how he rubbed it on her face about working for her father's company. It's not like he is doing everything, Ahaan bhai is there too. She didn't want to taunt him but it happened. She wanted to hurt him too. But now the mere thought of him being hurt by her was unsettling. Is this how a wife feels? She wondered.

Fighting between couples was common. It was nothing new. She knew she would too face this in her marriage but not this soon. A part of her heart only wants to make Shivaay happy and smile but other part also wants her to fight for what is right. He just can't decide everything on his own.  Is work is all that which matters to him? Does he not consider her and her feelings for once? But he did said that he forgot. Her heart was taking his side while her mind was saying a different story. She was confused. Did she overreacted? He said it's an emergency and he didn't do it willingly. Should she consider him and be a understanding wife? His work was demanding but there should be a limit to everything.

Her phone buzzed with a caller name 'Shivaay 😘' . She contemplated and decided to not answer the call right now. She was afraid to talk and didn't know what should be done.


Shivaay sighed and scolded himself for forgetting such an important thing. How can he be so stupid? His head is literally paining. Walking to the balcony of his office, Shivaay took out the cigarette and light it. Puffing out smoke, he decided to mend what he did wrong.  He can't believe he made Annika upset. This is the last thing he want to do. He really care about her and adores her. The workload has multiplied by thrice but he didn't gave a damn because he got Annika which was worth of everything. At times he wondered whether he was obsessed with Annika and her infectious smile? He had done crazy things for her. He forgetted the family rivalry, helped them, risked his finances and cared about his Rival's Sister to an extent to marry her. He indeed have something strong for her. But what? He wasn't sure himself. The fight didn't end well. He should have  tried to pacify her but he got  hurt by her mean comment. Shivaay was looking forward for their reception. The whole world is going to know whom he married. Annika was going to introduce as Mrs. Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi. His Annika. She belongs to him. He called his assistant, Mishra and made few changes. It was hard but he did made it possible. Soon after, he called his wife who didn't respond to his call. Now, he was really upset.


"Annika, can I come in?" Ahaan knocked at Annika's door

"Yeah, bhai." She replied and tried to look normal

"All good?" Ahaan asked as soon as he enters. He could easily tell his sister was upset.

"Yes, everything is fine." Annika said with a forced smile.

"Are you upset because Shivaay's leaving tomorrow?" He guessed

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