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LOVE? What exactly love is? Is it missing someone all the time? Is it talking about him at every chance you are given? Is it defending him\her behind their backs? or is it just a feeling simply there, in your heart? Annika had done mostly all of the above. She is missing Shivaay terribly. It's been two weeks he has gone and he is extremely busy and stressed. Even though Shivaay won't show it to her, she just know he is not keeping well. She can clearly see the dark circles and worry on his face though he give her his best smile.

They shared 5 video calls and few phone calls. She needed more but she can't be clingy and demand his attention when clearly his business need it more than her. She tried to be understanding but she still wants him. She doesn't want to be a mature one for once and demand his time for her, only her. Shouldn't they have been gone for a honeymoon? She sulked thinking that. With a huff! she decided to focus on her art.

Annika had applied to work under Omkara before the marriage, she thought she would be rejected again like last two times but guess third time is the charm. She finally made it. Omkara don't took students and neither do he likes assistant but once in a while he gives an opportunity to work under him, train under him. Obviously, this time Annika had impressed him with her Art and expressions. He was hard to please and hence Annika had to turn to his Guru, Shri Charu Lata.

That woman has taught Omkara the art of heart. Omkara is her only student, she had never took anyone else. It's a mystery why she took him. She is a woman in her early 40's, unmarried and insanely beautiful. That women is a definition of feminine art. There is something about her which pulls you in and in her art. There is a rumor that Omkara and her had thing, possibly a fling. Annika doesn't believe in stupid rumors but then she had met that woman. She is alluring, seductive and hypnotizing. She wouldn't blame Om if he had a thing for her.

Charu Lata had helped Annika because she found her innocence refreshing. She guided her for three months and then wrote a letter for her recommendation which Annika attached in her achievements which made her dreams come true. Finally! She can work with her inspiration, Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi. Annika do share a good bond with him and now since they are spending to much time together, she can only feel the bond getting deeper and stronger.

"How's it going?" Om asked making Annika come back to the reality.

"I guess, you are missing Shivaay too much"

"I do" she sighed and looked at her phone for the nth time.

"He still didn't replied?"

"No! I am worried. He wasn't well last night. I even urged him to take a rest today but it seems like he is on a mission to finish the mess as soon as he can."

"Well. That's Shivaay for you."

"I see you haven't done much on your piece." Om commented looking at her canvas

"Dil nahi hai" She whispered dejectedly {I don't have a heart to do it}

"Then don't do it."

"What about the Art exhibition?" She asked looking at him

"All good."

"You liked the presentation and whole look?" Annika asked skeptically

"Sweetheart, I loved your work." Om complimented and kissed her forehead. He has developed a bond with Annika which is rare and special. She is so innocent and childish that it moves his heart. At times he wonder if he should tell her that there is a life beyond a fairytale. She is like a princess you read in a kid's story book- kind, sweet, beautiful and in love with her prince charming. Few people do get lucky. He felt a tinge bit jealousy. She has a loving family, a supportive father, her choice of carrier and now a desired life partner. Where as he have a broken family, an abusive father who hates him and obviously lonely.

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