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"Annika this one or this?" Malika asked her younger sister thoughtfully, she couldn't decide the dress to wear for her lovely sister's engagement. It's just 15 days left for the wedding and a week for the engagement ceremony.

"Di, the black one suits you more." Annika replied attentively analyzing the dress.

"No! No one will wear black." Mrs. Sharma, Gauri's Mother ordered strictly

"But why Aai (mother)?" Annika asked pouting sadly

"Because black is not considered an auspicious color to wear in wedding." Mrs. Sharma explained lovingly and ruffled Annika's hair.

"Oh! But Shivaay's favorite color is black." Annika mumbled slowly making Mallika laugh

"So? Were you planning to wear black in all functions?" Mallika further teased her making everyone burst in laughter while Annika turned red in embarrassment.

"Di! Stop teasing my Anu." Gauri supported Annika and engulfed her in a hug

"So what if you can't wear a black lehanga,  you can always wear a black lingerie inside. " Gauri said with a straight face making Mallika fall on her stomach.

"Oh! God!" Mallika said in between of her laughter. Annika was still in shock by Gauri's statement.

"You....you ummm. A very bad girl." Annika mumbled after a while looking straight in Gauri's eyes which again make them burst in laughter.

"Oh! My baby sis still can't curse. I wonder what will you do in bed. Poor Shivaay! " Mallika said thoughtfully with a sad expression.

"I will learn." Annika responded quickly with a frown.

"What will you learn?" Ahaan's voice startled everyone in the room.

"I... I will..." Annika's mind was all blank in that particular moment. She didn't know why she always end up in an awkward position with her brother.

"She will learn to be a good wife." Mallika defended her quickly with a sweet smile.

"You are already too good. Don't ever over do yourself. Be the one you are and everyone will love you. You are the best sister in the world." Ahaan comforted her and soon engulfed her in a warm big hug. He loved her too much to let her go but he knew she liked that Asshole Oberoi.

"Though don't try to be a good wife. Give him a tough time and take all my revenge. " Ahaan whispered in her ear teasingly making Annika giggle.

"Well! I came to inform you that Dadi had called you in Oberoi Mansion for the ring selection and for other things. You , Gauri and Mallika go at their place since I guess it's more of a girl thing. " He informed her and they quickly nodded their head with a huge smile.


Shivaay was really stressed with all the business work. His work load had multiplied twice, not only he is looking after his Oberoi empire but also the Chaudhary's too.

So much to do to get married with Annika.

Shivaay thought and a small smile appeared on his face. Thinking about her calms him, all these extra work and efforts seems worthy. He can work for hours if it would mean to end up with her. Cracking his bones and stretching his body,  he tried to ease his muscles and relax. Shivaay did not know how he was going to sort out the financial crisis of the Chaudhary's , since nobody is willing to invest in them. He was taking a huge risk investing in them all by himself. All of his own money which he earned from his own start ups , he had invested . He can't risk the money of the Oberoi Empire for his own personal gain. It didn't belong to him in the first place. He just wants to ensure himself that he did his best. He wants to make his Annika happy even if it means sleeping just for 4 hours.

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