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"Get the jet ready. We will leave exactly in 30 minutes. " Shivaay informed Khanna with an irritated expression because he was tried and late as well. He had decided irrespective of Annika's request, to go back today so that they can celebrate their month anniversary together. He wanted to surprise her and make her feel special so that she realize her importance in his life. The whole day went in the blur as there was too much paper work and formalities. The construction can restart from tomorrow, hence Shivaay can leave peacefully.

"Okay, sir." Khanna responded and Shivaay moved towards his room to freshen up. He have a luxurious penthouse here with an amazing rooftop and swimming pool. As soon as Shivaay left for his room which is on the second floor, Khanna quickly dropped a message to his boss's wife- Sir is coming.


Shivaay pushed the door of his room and immediately a sweet fragrance hit his nose. He was a bit perplexed watching the decoration of his room. It was dimly lit with scented candles. He can see a coffee was prepared and there were few heart shaped red balloons scattered on the floor. There was a gift on the bed with a bunch of few red rosses kept on it. A smile formed on his face. That's why Khanna was missing. He concluded. Apart from Shivaay, only Khanna can access his penthouse. Keeping his blazer on the chair, he moved towards the bed.

He knew somewhere that Annika would do something, a gift was what he expected but not this decoration, balloons and flowers. Now, he feels stupid to just give her a gift through Om though unlike her, he was on time. He send her the gift at exactly 12 and then had a video call with her. He even asked the chef to make Pav bhaji in Breakfast for her. That's all he did. But now watching Annika's effort he is left speechless. He never knew he would find candles, balloons and flower so soothing and romantic? Shivaay remembered when he used to think all of this as cringe and criticized bollywood movies for the same but now he can't agree with the same, because right at this moment he felt special.

He hold the bunch of red rosses and took sniff. A smile appeared on his face after inhaling the serene fragrance of rosses which made him remember his beautiful wife, Annika. All his tiredness was vanished into the thin air.

Suddenly he felt a presence behind him, before he could turn that person back hugged him. The bunch of flowers fell from his hands as he felt the presence of a soft body pressed behind him. His heart stopped beating and then it started beating too fast after listening her melodious voice in it's raw form.

"Cheers to our thirty days of togetherness." Annika said softly and hugged him more tightly. God! She missed him too much.

"Annika" He mumbled as if that word soothed him. He closed his eyes and held her hands to feel her presence in the core of his heart.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." She declared. Shivaay softly removed her hands and turned towards her. As soon as he turned, Annika engulfed him in an another hug and hide her face in his chest.

"Let me see you." He whispered huskily and tried breaking the hug but she hugged him more tightly.

"Nahi. Mein roo dungi." She mumbled making Shivaay chuckle at her cuteness. {No. I will cry.}

"But I want to see you to my heart's content. " He stated his wish

Annika slowly broke their hug and took step back. Shivaay too took a step back so he can see her fully from head to toe. He wanted to memorize her, he wanted to feel her presence in reality and he wanted to calm his heart by watching her beautiful face.

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