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Shivaay didn't knew what to do. His brain stopped working and his heart was beating so fast that he could hear it. Annika's soft plump lips touched him so gently that he couldn't understand how to reply to the gesture. It took him everything to just not held her close and kiss those pink plump lips like anything. He so wanted to show her the inner beast she had invoked through her sweet gesture.

He had never felt the urge to kiss someone in his whole life until he met her. He so wanted to taste her and feel that emotion he believe to be ecstasy. But he was afraid that he won't be so gentle. He won't kiss her like she did, so soft, so gentle and so nice. She could kiss him all day and night and he will not complain that is for sure.

"My pleasure " Shivaay responded for her thank you. His voice was thick and heavy. Saying the words , he quickly turned his back to her to control his raging hormones. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to savor the moment once more. A best moment of his life. A small smile came on his face and he blushed. He , the Shivaay Singh Oberoi was blushing like a teenager.

"Is something wrong?" Annika asked nervously, she didn't like that he had responded in such a poor way to her sweet gesture. She was expecting a kiss back on her cheeks like Priyanka had told her.

"No nothing is wrong." Shivaay whispered and turned back to look at her. He could see the disappointment on her face. Did he do something wrong? He wondered

"What happened?" He asked her with a concern and took a step close to her.

"Uh, nothing" She replied shyly. Maybe he don't want to kiss her back . She concluded herself.

"You look upset?" He asked suspiciously and pushed one of her hair strand behind her ear. Annika blushed profusely and smiled. Now, she wasn't upset. She understood that Shivaay didn't mind anything and he was okay with her.

"Ahh.. you...." Annika was going to tell him that she had expected him to kiss her back but her phone rings showing her brother's name.

"Oh! It's Ahaan bhai." She informed Shivaay and turned to the corner to take the call.


Shivaay muttered under his breath. Here, Annika was called back at home urgently by his brother. She gave Shivaay a sad look while talking to her brother. Shivaay quickly understood that his time with her was over. They couldn't spend much more than this and they couldn't have anything between them much more than this.

"I have to go." Annika whispered sadly and waved a goodbye to him. She wanted to hug him but she know it would be too much and it would raise questions. Why she wanted to hug him so badly? She thought.

Maybe I missed him.

She smiled at her thought and turned to look at him and found his eyes on her. She gave him a full blown smile which Shivaay returned with a small one.

"Take care" Shivaay said loudly to which Annika nodded and waved him the last bye.


Annika sighed in annoyance. Why always she found herself stuck in some stupid places? Today she came to this paper factory to place some order for a special ivory canvas papers and now her car decides to ditch her. Hopefully her work is done but now she is stuck in a middle of a road with her driver.

"What should we do?" Annika asked her driver who was looking in the car's engine.

"There is some mechanical issue, Ma'am. I think it would need a mechanic. If you allow, there is a small shop 1 km from here. I can go and ask for help till than you wait in that restaurant. " The driver suggested a solution and Annika considered it since it would take long to ask for another car from the Mansion because she was at the outskirts of the city. She gave him her nod and moved towards the restaurant.

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