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"Shivaay I am sorry, I will wipe it up. Wait!" Annika muttered hurriedly and took the tissue in her hand. She was embarrassed because of her kiss, more like wet kiss. It was so intimate and she had never done this before. Though it didn't felt wrong but still she shouldn't have done that. What if Shivaay didn't like this.

"No, it's completely fine. I didn't mind that."

"You sure?"

"Obviously." Shivaay replied nonchalantly though his heart was beating a beat ahead. He liked it , so much that he wanted a kiss again. It was intimate and anything intimate with Annika was what he crave for. He like her touch , her smile, her soft cheek kisses. But now this wet kiss will top everything, he can feel her saliva on his cheek but that hardly matters to him. He remember once a girl did the same thing without his permission and he was so furious because first he didn't like that , her taking advantage of him and second he believes in hygiene. He scolded the girl and wiped his face right in front of her with his handkerchief and than threw that in the dustbin. He latter took a bath washing his face twice. Shivaay always believed in Equality. If a  boy asks for the permission than a girl should ask too. Not everyone is comfortable with people touching them around. He was against the very idea of forcing something like this. According to him, molesting someone against his/her will is the lowest one can fall. When one does this, it not just a physical abuse but mental too.

"Shivaay, uhh . Can I have your number?" Annika asked hesitantly fidgeting with her fingers making Shivaay come out of his daze. She wanted to have his number from long time but she was hesitant to ask from Priyanka. Afterall Shivaay was her brother and it would be really awkward. Shivaay smiled seeing Annika nervous about this as if he would deny her.

"Off course, you can. Give me your phone, I will feed in it." He replied with a small smile and put forward his hand asking for her phone.

"Opps! I forget it in my room. Give me yours, I will feed mine."

Shivaay was taken back by this because he had already saved her number. He felt as if his biggest secret will come out, for the first time in his life he felt embarrassed. What if Annika thought of him as a creep? He wasn't a stalker or something. He just saved her number before going to Dubai. Having her number in his phone made him feel close to her, though he never called her.
Now, he was trapped. He can't even say that he left his phone in the car because he just received call a while ago. Contemplating between his options, he decided to play nonchalant.

"Yeah, sure. Tell me your number, I will feed." He responded calmly and Annika too didn't paid much attention. Smiling,  she started telling her number while Shivaay typed in his phone. Annika's name appears on the phone but he still pretended as if he was saving it for real.

"Drop me message on WhatsApp. I will save it later. " Annika said making Shivaay frown.

"WhatsApp? I don't use it. I will drop you a simple message."

"Oh!" She replied disappointed. Chating on WhatsApp was easy. One can send pictures, voice messages, emoji, gif and stickers.

"Do you want me to come on WhatsApp?" Shivaay asked curiously as he saw the gloomy face of Annika and heard her disappointment in the voice.

"If...you ... I mean if you want to come. You know chatting there is easier."

"Okay. I'll install it. But can't promise that I would give quick replies." He said sternly to which she smiled. Shivaay didn't wanted to make false promises to her neither he wanted unrealistic expectations which he can't fulfill. He sure was a man of few words but his words matter.

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