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Annika couldn't believe that the Shivaay Singh Oberoi agreed to her friendship with Priyanka. She was so happy . Atleast now they can meet each other here at Oberoi Mansion. They always met outside at cafes, mall and hotels with a constant fear of getting caught. Seeing Shivaay's positive response Annika thought tell her brother too, though not now but soon she will. Sighing, she decided to leave since everything was fine.

"Aah, I should take leave now."

"Have breakfast with us." Dadi asked lovingly giving her no chance to deny.

"Yes, Ani. Go after breakfast plz." Priyanka too gave her the puppy eyes

"I am making the breakfast. You like anything in particular?" Shivaay asked without even hearing her reply.

"I am not that hungry. Next time maybe." She tried to deny politely but Shivaay moved forward glaring her to deny again.

"I mean really, I am not feeling like to eat ...." A loud enough grumble sound came from Annika's stomach making her stop midway with sheer embarrassment.

"You were saying something " Shivaay asked teasingly while Annika bite her lower lip closing her eyes.

"So, it's decided you are having breakfast with us and i will surely prepare a glass of orange juice for you." Shivaay announced, mumbling the last part just for Annika.

She looked up with a grumpy face and fake glared him to which he just gave her a smug look.

"Ani, come. I will show you around." Priyanka took her hand with an enthusiastic smile.

"Yeah! You guys go talk." Om responded with a smile.


Annika and Priyanka were laughing so loudly that every corner of Oberoi Mansion can hear them. Shivaay too smiled hearing them. He loves Priyanka and he was so happy that she could atleast have a friend now. Her sister was an introvert and always under her shell, he was a bit worried about her social life but now he can see she had a lot more than she shows. She had the guts to against him and have secret friendship with a business rival. He actually smiled at that thought in amusement.

The breakfast was almost ready. He was making a coffee for himself when he heard soft footsteps, turning around he came across a beautiful face of Annika.

"It smells WOW" Annika said excitingly taking a deep breath to smell the meals.
Shivaay chuckled slowly at her childishness. Annika's stomach again made a loud grumbling sound making her embarrassed twice.

"Opps! Sorry" She apologized for her inadequate behavior with a red face and looked down.

Shivaay came close  and tucked her hair strand behind the ear.

"No need to get embarrassed" He whispered softly making Annika blush. She looked up to him and found herself lost in those blue-green pair of beautiful eyes. And at that moment, she left time has stopped, they are sharing a very intimate moment. Something was passed between them but the feeling was gone as soon as Shivaay ruffled her hair.

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