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Good morning! 🤗

Shivaay smiled reading Annika's text message on his phone. He was heading towards his office in the car.


Shivaay replied back quickly and got back to check an important email in his phone.

Here, Annika saw Shivaay's "Oh so lovely" wish and sulked.

Morning. Is he wishing his fiance or a client?

Annika grumbled and a sad pout sat on her face.

Saddu (Rude)

Annika muttered under her breath but than his angry face came in her mind and she gulped.

He is scary too.

She thought and than smiled on her stupid thoughts. Annika decided to message him again as she knew he isn't that talkative and new to chatting as well.

Shivaay was engrossed in reading the e-mail about the Chaudhary's present status and company's demand when Annika's message popped up on his screen in notification.

How are you?

Closing the email app, he smiled.

Looks like she is online.

Shivaay mumbled to himself and decided to have a chat with her till he reaches the office.

Fine. You?

Good. What are you doing?

On my way for office.

So early? It's 8.

Meeting with investors.

Did you had your breakfast?


Why so?


Like really?

I will have in the office.

All the best for your meeting. 🫂

What are you doing?

Cuddling with my pillow.😌

Well that's new.

Yaa, unlike you.


I mean people prefer to be in bed.

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