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Really disheartened by your lack of response.

I mean seriously yaar, not even 200 votes.
Well! All I can do is request you all to vote. Please vote Silent readers. It really means a lot to me.

I am not even setting a target but a bit of consistency is the least I can expect.

Warning: Highly mature content ahead.

You can totally skip this chapter, you won't miss anything.
Don't report it. I request don't report the story if you feel uncomfortable.

Caution: Read it alone. 🙈

Annika can feel the the thick silence around her. Being blindfolded really heighten your senses. The darkness around her is not terrifying instead it's consuming and exciting.

"Strip." Shivaay commanded making her feel nervous. 

"I am blindfolded too. I can't see and if it makes you feel comfortable, I am getting naked too."

Soon Annika heard shuffling of clothes and the sound of unbuckling a belt followed by a zipper. She gulped her saliva and started unzipping her dress from the side. The dress quickly came off of her followed by her Bra and panties. Then she felt a presence of someone just in front of her. She got nervous and conscious of her naked body but then the thought that Shivaay was blindfolded eases her nerves. 


"Ssshhh... No words. Just feel it." He ordered making her shiver.

Shivaay's hand were soon on her. He felt her soft and supple skin on his fingertips. His hand traveled from her shoulder to her cushiony soft breasts. He held them both in his hands and squeezed them hard making her gasp in astonishment.

"So soft" He moaned and pulled her closer by pulling her breasts roughly. 

"Aaahh" She moaned at his rough treatment. She was never manhandled like that. It was very new and something she hadn't expected from Shivaay. Her breasts were sensitive and she felt them getting heavy in his hands. 

"Am i too rough?" He asked and softly kissed her chin and then eventually her lips. The kiss was very soft contrary to his rough treatment on her bosom. He was pulling and pinching her nipples while slowly exploring her mouth. Annika shudder with a jolt when he mauled them together and groaned in her mouth. She felt as if her body was on fire. His actions were no where gentle, he was seeking his sexual gratification from her and she was turning hot with this realization. She can feel the wetness down there and was amazed by Shivaay's savage treatment.

"Fuck!" He groaned after breaking the kiss while Annika heaved. She felt his hand going down and then he groped her ass in a firm grip. He pulled her closer and dipped his face in the crook of her neck.

She kept her hands on his shoulders and tilted her head sideways to give him the better access. They can feel each other's body heat.

Shivaay wanted to erase the gap of air between them and hence pulled her closer by pulling her ass. With a jerk, Annika was smashed against him erasing the tiny bit of space between them. Her bosom was against his chest and he could feel her pebbles like nipples poking his chest. That feeling was erotic and ecstatic.

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