Important ‼️

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Don't hate me.. I am really busy these days. To be honest, I am packing my stuff and going to the Southern part of India for my MBA. Last year I was preparing for the CAT and managed to get a decent percentile in the results. Later I gave interviews and got selected in a few good colleges.
I am going to start a new journey in the coming days. Through this message I want to inform you that there is a possibility I might stop writing given the rigorous study and discipline time table.

MBA is a tough nut and requires concentration, commitment and, consistency. Though I won't delete anything, the account will be there, the current ongoing story will be there, it's just that I won't be there. But maybe whenever I feel I have time and I can
do something else, I will be here, writing. I love writing so don't worry I will come back sooner or later.
From now on to june 2026, don't expect regular updates. Don't expect anything. I will update if I will be free otherwise I won't.

Thank you!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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