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Shivaay woke up with a yawning face and looked around to realise that he is in his penthouse. His gaze moved towards the bed to find Annika sleeping peacefully on the bed with a cute pout on her face. He smiled and stood up from the couch. His back muscles ache a bit, so he did some stretching and moved to the kitchen for making himself a cup of coffee.

Having his cup of coffee, he got through his schedule for the day and realized he had an important meeting today. Sighing, he decided to freshen up soon.
Taking his suit, he moved inside the washroom.


"Yes, I will be there on time." Shivaay said to his P.A, Mishra and ended the call. This meeting was important so he can't cancel it. After going through some emails Shivaay closed his laptop and looked at his bed where Annika is sleeping in a 45° angle with blankets lying on floor.

Well! She sleeps like a log.

Shivaay smiled at his thought and moved towards the bed. As he reached there Annika turned towards her right, bending her right leg raising her ass a bit in the air. This moment of her caused her kurta to slid down to stomach making the boxers clearly visible. Her milky soft bare legs came in display and Shivaay's breath stopped for a moment. He looked at her with an intense gaze, his eyes turned dark but than his eyes moved towards her peaceful innocent face which he actually admire the most. The realization hit him, how can he even think about it? She is so pure, innocent and naive while he..... ?

He is selfish, clever, manipulative and all opposite to her. Shivaay thought that he was out of that hormonal phase and now he can't help but question himself. He need to clear his mind. When this never happened to him before than why now?

She is my Rival's Sister. This is not good.

With this thought, Shivaay picked the blanket and covered Annika properly.


Annika opened her eyes slowly and found herself in an unknown place but than the memories hit her like a truck.

It's a new day and it's a new morning.

She motivated herself and got up. Her gaze moved towards the mirror where a sticky note was left. Quickly getting up, she reached there and read.

I have got some clothes for you to change, I have kept it on the table outside the washroom and the breakfast is in the kitchen.

So plain and monotonous. No good morning no hello ...nothing

Annika frowned reading the note, though his gesture was nice and she is thankful but it sounded so boring.

Is he a robot?

She giggled at the thought and remembered about how nice and caring he was yesterday.

Atleast he knows how and when to behave a bit more nicely.

Chuckling at this, she took the clothes and moved inside the bathroom to change. There were no undergarments for some obvious reasons but a top and sweatpants was almost of her size. The top was a bit tight on her breast while the pants on her ass but overall it was nice and comfortable.

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