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Humming a song , Annika make big slant strokes with her brush on the painting. She smiled seeing her new artwork, it wasn't completed yet but still she could picture it about how it would look once getting completed. Doing some final strokes on the painting, she get up and stretched her body to relax her stiff muscles.

Looking around she realized that she is still in a Libarary's corner. This realization struck her and she frantically looked to her right to see the wall clock which showed it was half past ten already.

Oh! God. I am so late.

Annika quickly packed her stuff and grabbed her phone only to find it dead. Now, she can't even call the driver. This Library was near her home, just a 15 minutes walk. As the weather was so lovely today she decided to walk to this place instead of driving her car. She never did this before, she was always on time but today she kind of lost herself in the painting. No one was at home to notice her absence. Her big brother, Ahaan and her dad, Kabir Chaudhary are gone out of station for a meeting and her lovely elder sister, Mallika Kabir Chaudhary was out for a fashion event in Paris. Annika was all alone with her care taker Mrs. Sharma. She took care of Annika. She was her nanny and when Annika grew up she didn't wanted Mrs. Sharma to leave since her husband died and she had no one except her daughter Gauri. Mrs. Sharma loved Annika and Gauri equally and raised them together which made Annika and Gauri more like sisters than friends. But today only Annika allowed them both to go to their village since Mrs. Sharma's brother died.

Annika sighed while groaning internally and screamed at her foolishness. She was already scared of dark but she can't sit here for like a whole night. Deciding that she had to overcome her fear, she courageous walked towards the door smiling at Mrs. Gupta. She was sweet lady talking care of this Library.

"Oh, Annika my dear. I didn't realise you were still here."

"Yeah, I was actually too lost in my own imagination to realise it either."

They share a short laugh and than Annika walked out waving her a bye.

It was not too late for a city. Ten thirty was like young evening but the dark and this area which was a bit secluded kind of scared Annika now. She quickly walked on the road and realised the trees,  the road , the quite ambiance which she liked few hours ago was now scaring her. She felt as if the trees are following her, the road is leading her to somewhere else and this quietness is increasing her heartbeats.

Take deep breaths, Annika!

Annika tried to pacify herself and moved with a determined face but than something caught her attention and she wished to be anywhere but here. The laughter and whispering turned her sixth sense on alert.

Right there to her right was a group of four men who were leaning at the truck and smoking. They were truck drivers and all of them were in their early 40's, they all looked at her and she quickly averted her gaze and increased her pace of walking. She clutched her bag tightly to gain some strength and ease her nervousness.

Than she heard it, the quick tappings of foots behind her.

They are following me.

The realization was so terrifying that she didn't know what she can do. Probably screaming wouldn't help her, since it's too quiet here. No one there is not even an animal on this road. This road was not used by many since this was not a developed area and leads to small town and village. People mostly use highways and mall roads for travelling. This road were used by villagers and outskirt's people. Quickly analyzing her situation, she decided to run. Atleast running would lead her to nearby her place where few other mansions are located as well. There was a chance to gain some help and a hope that someone will see her.

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