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"Come, let's sleep." Annika suggested while nuzzling in Shivaay's neck.

"I have few important emails to check. You go, I will join you in a while." He replied patting her head.

"Agh! I will wait." She said kissing his cheek making him blush a bit. He was touched by her gesture, no one was there to wait for him till he sleeps. It felt odd and a bit overwhelming for Shivaay. This was all new. Now, he will always have someone waiting for him in the darkest of night. But at the same time he wanted Annika to do what she should. He can't see her following his odd practices and hampering her daily schedule.

"Don't think to much." Annika whispered lovingly in his ear and that made him smile. Maybe for the first time someone told him something he actually wants to listen. She is right he shouldn't think so much. At times life is all about doing what you want not about what you should do.

"As you say." Saying this he kissed her forehead and took out his phone. Meanwhile Annika too took her novel and got busy in her reading. 


Half an hour passed , now Annika was really feeling sleepy while on the other hand Shivaay was furiously typing on his phone with a frown.

"Shivaay" She softly called while he just hummed in response.

"I am sleepy." She whispered making him take a pause. He stopped typing and looked at her already half asleep. He chuckled at her cuteness.

"Go sleep. You have to get up early in the morning. " He suggested and tucked few hair behind her ear. She looked cute in a tank top and shorts. He can clearly see her nipples poking in the fabrics.

Must be cold.

Shivaay thought and decided to tuck her in the bed.

"But I wanna sleep with you. It's our second night." She said opening her eyes and pulled him closer. Shivaay was taken aback and held her close for balance.

"Okay. Come here. Sit on my lap."

Annika's eyebrows furrowed at his suggestion but nonetheless she did what he asked.

"Don't sit sideways. Straddle me." He said as it would be easy for him to type.
She quickly did what he asked and straddled him keeping her face in the crook of his neck.

"Now. Sleep." He said looking at her already sleeping. He pulled her closer for warmth and felt her soft breast pressing into him. He stiffened because he literally felt her nipples poking his chest.

Did I made my work more hard? I guess sideways would have been better.

He thought meanwhile Annika adjusted herself on him and got more closer. He felt their body rubbing each other and cursed "fuck".

Since it's really testing Shivaay patience, he decided to answer the two important emails quickly so that he can finally put a cm distance between them.


Shivaay slowly picked her holding her hips and moved towards the bed. It was around 2 in the morning. Annika blinked her eyes when Shivaay put her down on the bed.

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