A Night You Won't Remember (Lamy)

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After a stressful day at work at dealing with the loss of one of her gen mate, Lamy felt lost and defeated. She wanted and needed help from Botan but she felt like she would be bothering her. Lamy rubbed her arm as she stared at the back of Botan, hesitating to walk to her.

She knew how badly this news affected everyone, especially Nene and Polka. Those two helped her non stop. Of course Lamy amd Botan helped but those two helped a hell of a lot more. That's why it hit them harder to the point that it hurts Lamy to see Polka and Nene be so dead inside. The shine in their eyes, gone. The energy, dissipated. It's like it isn't the Polka and Nene, Lamy and everyone else knew.

Botan saw their reaction or lack there of for Lamy. She knew all of them were hurting. She knew Polka and Nene would just sleep or cry through this painful news. Lamy on the other hand, she worry for the most. Botan gripped the arm rest of her chair tightly and spun around to see Lamy gone. She slightly cringed just thinking of what Lamy can do in this state. She stood up and grabbed her phone and keys then made her way over to Yagoo and A-chan. "Look I gotta go and catch up to Lamy. Knowing her, she might bar hop. Please take care of Nene and Polka." A-chan nodded while Yagoo looked slightly broken inside. "Take care Botan-chan, also, you and the rest of your gen mates can take your time on recovering from this, don't push yourselves to work because you need to, only work if you want." A-chan said, Botan nodded to this.

Before Botan left, she saw A-chan hugging the two girls. She smiled sadly to this then left. She opened her phone and brought her contacts up, calling a close friend of hers.

After a good while, Lamy was now at her 6th bar. The poor girl was hammered but she didn't care. She just wanted to drink and wash away the pain and guilt.

"So what's your story lady, my fellas told me this is your 6th bar. And this should be your final bar." A man said, cleaning one of the glasses behind the counter.  Lamy swayed a bit and raised her hand. The man sighed gently and gave her a shot. Lamy grabbed the glass and stared at it, she slurred on her words. "Washing the pain and.. Guilt.. My friendzz? I could not uh, save? Help? Her" The man look at the girl with pity. Though he shook his head and leaned against the counter. "Look lady, I know I'm not in any position but I think it's best you stay in one of our rooms tonight. You can't drive nor walk home, someone might take advantage of you." Lamy chugged the contents of the shot glass and slammed the glass down them looked at the man, hiccuping. "Heh, you don't look bad yourself too handsome." The man cringed to this.

Another man approached. "I'll handle this, you're needed in the back. Lamy noticed that the new man was a bit taller. And. More handsome. Probably.

She smiled and looked at him. "Heey handsome, might giving me some drinks, hmmmm?" She giggled and held onto the stool.

The man sighed and rubbed his temples. "You said this was easy Botan.." He muttered and looked at the girl. "Alright, I'll serve you some light drinks, but nothing more." Lamy seemingly stopped to think about this and just nodded giddily.

After some time, Lamy was served 10 shot glasses. And their conversation turned slightly flirty. Well, Lamy flirts with the man a lot while the man keeps shrugging the advances off.

Lamy seems to be frustrated at this and pulled the man's tie and pulled him then kissed him deeply. The man was surprised, he pulled away only for Lamy to grab his head and kept it in place.

After more failed tries, the man just sighed and kissed back, grabbing the chin of Lamy. Lamy beamed at this and pulled away slightly, she hiccuped and stared at him. "Roooooom~"

He sighed and nodded. "Caaarryyy~!" He only grunted and picked her up, bridal style and walked upstairs, to the quarters of the employees.

Once he set Lamy down, the man pulled his phone out and texted somebody. Lamy, annoyed by this, pulled the man down and immediately kissed him. The man sighed and grunted before kissing back. Lamy wrapped her arms around his back, caressing his back. The man cringed, he deepened the kiss and grabbed her arms and pinned it atop her head.

After a while, he felt her go limp. He pulled himself away and saw that she finally passed out. He went to the bathroom and spat out the saliva and washed his mouth. His ears picked up on heels clicking. He didn't bother looking up. "Your girl's a handful Botan." He said before washing his face.

The lioness chuckled and leaned herself against the doorway. "I need to teach her a lesson. This bar hopping of hers may lead to something bad happening to her." The man looked at her, unimpressed.

"What? You want me to get down on her?" Botan snarled and shook her head. "Only sleep beside her. Nothing more." The man simply nodded. "I know. I'm married anyways." The lioness smugged at this.

"You owe me for this, Botan." The girl smiled and nodded. "Of course, and in turn, I won't tell your fox about this~" She teased.

"Enough. I just want to get this over with." The lioness nodded and walked to the bed and looked at Lamy. "Strip to your boxers, (Y/N)." (Y/N) grunted and stripped.

"Just lay beside her." (Y/N) sighed and layed beside Lamy.

"Goodnight!" Botan chirped and knocked him out.

The next morning, Lamy arose from the bed and held her head tightly. "Ugh.. What happened.."

"One hell of a night." Lamy immediately looked at the source of the voice and her eyes immediately widened. "N-no.." She muttered.

He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall before kicking a bucket towards her. Lamy looked at it and raised her brow but immediately grabbed it and started throwing up.

He sat down and looked at her. Lamy spat out and looked up at him. "You.. You didn't ah.. Er.. Inside..?" He shook his head. "Hell no." A knock was heard at the door. "Open."

The door opened, revealing a worried Botan. "Lamy!" She ran up to Lamy and hugged her tightly

"Everything alright in here?" A familiar white fox popped her head around the corner. Botan looked at her and winked.

"Hey Fubuki." (Y/N) said while dusting his clothes off. "There you are!" Fubuki walked up to him and hugged him tightly.

Lamy looked at the scene that's unfolding.

"F-Fubuki senpai?" Fubuki nodded and kept clinging on (Y/N). "S-senpai! I'm so sorry! I slept with your boyfriend! I-I'm so sorry!" Botan held her tight and close and picked Lamy up.

"It's fine!" Fubuki smiled and kept clinging on him. "Lamy, do you really not realize who he is?" Botan asked, Lamy looked confused and looked at him. "D-dad?!"

(Y/N) chuckled. "Well, technically your character is my daughter but sure, let's roll with it." Lamy nodded and held on to Botan. "I-I'm sorry.."

Botan chuckled and gave Lamy a pat. "This is a lesson for you, Lamy-chan. If you want to drink, it's better with me or in your house so you're safe." Lamy nodded.

Botan walked out with Lamy after saying farewell to Fubuki and (Y/N).

"So (N/N), about that date you owed me." (Y/N) chuckled and nodded. "Yes yes."

I apologize if this oneshot feels out of touch or just doesn't feel right. I recently just recovered from a close aunt of mine passing away yesterday.

I will do my best to deliver a better one soon.

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