Romeo and Juliet (Ayame x M! Uchiha Reader)

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The Uchihas and the onis were never really on the same page, it's kind waged war with one another. Until the Great War happened. The Uchihas were wiped off the face of the Earth all except for one, Sasuke Uchiha. An Uchiha greatly respected in his days until his daughter Sarada came and betrayed him, the onis gave her a shallow promise, promising strength beyond anything imaginable. In his final moments, Sasuke managed to get (Y/N) out using his kamui, saving the last prince of the Uchihas.

Years passed, (Y/N) became a formidable Uchiha, he nourished his hatred for his sister. Although, his pride was tossed away when he fought his sister, he lost before the battle even began. In some great miracle, his hatred grew stronger. This sudden burst of hatred gave him his Mangekyou Sharingan, his sister was taken aback but was confident still. "You just unlocked it, congratulations dear brother. But I'm afraid I won this already, I have years of experience!" Sarada yelled, (Y/N)'s hair covered his eyes, when he looked up to his sister. Sarada felt like her entire ancestors are staring her down and shaming her. (Y/N) disappeared without a trace, Sarada took a defensive stance but was ultimately useless as she was decapitated by her own brother with a swift but powerful strike. (Y/N) walked over to her sister's decapitated head, he chuckled to himself as he took her eyes.

He heard noises from behind, he stood up and looked at the source. "Onis.. Kamui." He disappeared in a swirl. When the onis got there, they were severely disappointed when the infamous Sarada Uchiha was murdered but they were surprised that her eyes were taken.

A young Oni walked over to the head and knelt, she grabbed it and inspected it. "They know how to take an Uchiha's eyes. It's neatly cut, they're no damages. Look." The onis behind her nodded with her. "Report back to father, he needs to know about this." "Hai princess, at once!" They spoke out before running back.

Ayame's eyes widen as she narrowly deflected a sword attack from behind, she twirled and cartwheeled out of the way. Once she saw who it was, her eyes widen, her entire arms and hands trembled. "(Y-Y/N)..? Y-you're..?" (Y/N) sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry I kept this from you, but I had to. Your father had spies everywhere, if he knew I was courting you, you'd be in more danger." Ayame lets go of the sword and ran over to him, immediately hugging him tightly. "Please.. Can't we just run away..?"

(Y/N) pondered and smiled. "I have an idea but it's gonna hurt everyone's feelings."

The two planned this for almost 2 years. Ayame had steeled herself, for the past 2 years. She did have fun with her friends and coworkers, but things became dull and she wanted out, immediately. It was at this time Ayame caught (Y/N) in the room with a half naked Mio, she got extremely angry, the walls and ground cracked beneath her. She knew that it was just (Y/N) treating Mio's wounds from the fight she had with one of her brothers. Ayame took this chance to escape, she grabbed (Y/N) and tossed him out the window. "Ayame wait!" Mio yelled but Ayame jumped out, following (Y/N). The entire Holo members heard the commotion outside. They ran towards the commotion and saw (Y/N) and Ayame in a heated battle.

(Y/N) bounced off from Ayame's blade, he continued to dodge, the gatherers were amazed at how graceful and fast he was dodging, this made the oni annoyed as she continued delivering fast but precise strikes, all of which are avoided by (Y/N). "I'll have your head you damn red eyed bastard!" The oni yelled as she runned towards him in blazing speeds, the ground beneath her shook and cracked. (Y/N) dodged around with ease, red trails seemingly come out from his eyes as he evades.

Ayame, enraged and filled with bloodlust, just kept coming at him, her veins appeared and pulsing, her horns seem to grew more, the handle of her sword was now getting crushed, it clearly isn't made for an Oni's strength.

(Y/N) met Ayame head on, the two clashed swords. (Y/N) seemed to bounce a little but stood his ground, Ayame didn't even flinch. (Y/N) noticed Ayame's eyes were now pure blood shot red. Her fangs, more menacing than cute. Ayame kicked (Y/N) on where the sun doesn't shine but her kick went through him, (Y/N) side stepped and gave Ayame a palm strike directly to her chest which caused her to fly back towards the woods. "Amaretasu!" He yelled as black flames chased Ayame into the woods, though using this took a toll on him. The black flames disappearing immediately.

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