Minato Aqua x GN!Reader

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You are (Y/N) (L/N), the second person to ever debut in Hololive, you weren't really overshadowed by Sora or any of your kouhais, in fact, you loved it when there's only a few people watched you and you know them. But after the new craze around vtuber started, people started flocking to your streams which caused some stress and anxiety for you in the first three months but you powered through.

One thing that always get asked about you, is when you're gonna do a collaboration with the others. Your face has been a secret ever since the beginning, only Yagoo knows and he's not willing to share it. Recently, Rushia has pitched in an idea of doing a collab with you, of course, you decided to stay quiet and let things play out anf wait for Yagoo's advice.

You sat there monitoring all of the girl's streams, the one's who are streaming anyways. All of them have the same topic whenever they talk with their chat, it's you. You've been gone for almost a month now. The girls are extremely worried but your fans and supporters reassured the girls that this is normal. During your inactivity, you just monitored the girls, especially Coco and Aqua. The two girls have been berated by trolls and antis, you however, paid more attention to Aqua since you know that Coco can handle it well. You've been noticing her decline for a while, her stream performance has been dropping and her streams are shorter, she's a lot more timid and she stopped playing Apex, this got you worried and sent a text over to Yagoo and her manager.

Your discord pinged, you looked over and saw that A-chan posted an announcement. "Emergency meeting at 6pm sharp, don't be late. Shachou's orders." You sighed before leaning back against your chair. "Wonder what you'll do this time, old man." You muttered as you take your headphones off and turning your pc off, walking over to your closet, grabbing a coat, jeans and a black shirt, it doesn't look formal but it looks passable enough. Slinging your coat over your shoulders, you walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen counter then grabbed two slices of bread.

As you walked to the front door, you finished your bread rather quickly. Kneeling down, you snapped your fingers and a fox suddenly ran out from it's hideout. "Hey girl, I'll be gone but not for long, take care of the house, alright?" You whispered to the fox while scratching it's head and under her chin. The fox let out some happy noises and it seemed to nod. You let her go which made her run back to her hideout immediately. Sliding over to the mirror, you grabbed your glasses and put it on then tying your hair into a neat bun. "I really should get a haircut." You muttered as your pat the bun.

Exiting your house and locking everything, you started walking to the office, it was a 5 minute walk. You saw a few girls enter, Noel, Flare, Rushia, Polka and Azki. You snickered as you pulled out some folders in your coat and walked inside. Once inside, the girls greeted you, you greeted back and smiled before making your way over to Yagoo's office.

As soon as you entered his office, you heard him snicker. "I'm surprised that no one has asked who you are." You shrugged as you set the folder down in front of him. "Well, when you're in a large building, everyone just kinda assume you're from a different department." Yagoo nodded and grabbed the folder. "I lookes into Aqua's situation." He sighed and stopped for a moment and pretended to browse through your folder. "Trolls are trash talking her because of the little mistakes she's been doing in Apex." You can only sigh and rub the bridge of your nose. "Her manager?" Yagoo shook his head before setting the folder down. "She quitted. Said Aqua's too much too handle." You sighed and sat down on a chair. "Fine, I'll be her manager. I don't really have a schedule to follow." Yagoo rose his brow and looked at you. "Are you sure?" You stayed quiet before nodding. "My fans already understand why I'm barely streaming, I'm sure they'd appreciate me helping Aqua." The old man nodded and smiled briefly.

A knock was heard and Yagoo immediately grabbed a pen and looked down at the folder. "Come in." You sat up straight and waited. "Sha. Oh, I didn't know you have someone over." Yagoo waves his hand and signed an empty paper. "Does the instructors need more or?" You shook your head. "No shachou, they only asked for vending machines near the area so the talents doesn't have to walk 2 flights of stairs to refill their water bottles." Yagoo nodded and signed. "So A-chan, what can I do for you?" You grabbed the folder as he asked A-chan, you scooted over to the side and bowed before leaving.

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