The Third Wheel

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Aqua and Shion smiled at each other as they enjoyed their "friend date". They decided to drag (Y/N) along, just so no guys will try to hit on them. Shion knew that the boy liked Aqua for a long time already, she decided to have fun and flirt with Aqua. Everytime Shion make advances on Aqua, (Y/N) smiles, hiding the obvious pain he's feeling.

As lunchtime came, the three of them decided to head to a sushi bar. Shion immediately pushed (Y/N) down to a seat beside Aqua, much to his surprise. Thankfully, Aqua didn't noticed. Shion sat across (Y/N) but even with the seating arrangement, Aqua completely forgot or ignored (Y/N) and kept talking to Shion. The boy winced slightly before looking outside, this reaction didn't went past Shion. She sighed as she tried dropping hints to Aqua to noticed him but she's too dense to even realize the hints. Shion secretly held his hand, rubbing his knuckles to comfort him.

As the food arrives, Aqua enjoyed the food with Shion while (Y/N) ate quietly. He was lost in his own world that he doesn't react to Shion nudging him with her foot. Shion looked worried as he isn't reacting anymore. Soon, the three finished and Aqua excitedly grabbed Shion's hand and ran to the Aquarium, Shion tried to reach for (Y/N)'s hand but she was too far already. (Y/N) sighed and just quietly followed them.

He saw Aqua and Shion slip past the crowd in the aquarium. He sighed and walked around to the exit.

Shion looked around frantically, looking for you. It was a strange day for Shion, Aqua was desperate for attention and acting like a child. Shion wanted to look for you but she doesn't wanna leave Aqua either. She sighed and decided to stick with Aqua in the aquarium.

It took around 2 hours for Aqua and Shion to get out the Aquarium. "Oh! (Y/N)-senpai! There you are!" Aqua chimed as she saw (Y/N), the boy gave her a nodded and flashed her a smile, a smile that Shion recognized as fake. Afternoon came around, Shion, Aqua and (Y/N) rode the Ferris Wheel. (Y/N) definitely felt awkward as he joined them.

Shion slid over to him and whispered something to his ear. He shrugged and rubbed his eyes. "Ne ne! Shion Shion, look!" Aqua pointed at something, Shion looked at him and nodded before scooting over to Aqua. Shion gasped slightly as she admired the setting sun reflecting at the lake.

Aqua fidgeted a bit and twiddled her fingers. The ride was nearing to an end, Aqua took a deep breath, her face flushed red as she mustered up the courage to grab Shion's chin and kissed her. Shion's eyes widen, she was too shock to even pull away. The door opened and Shion immediately saw (Y/N) leave in a hurry. This snapped her out of her trance and chased after him. Due to Shion's height, she quickly lost him.

Aqua ran up to Shion. "W-what happened?" Aqua asked nervously, fearing that she went too quick with Shion. A beam of light suddenly appeared which startled Aqua, Shion's eyes widen. She sighed and kicked the convenient stone that was placed near her foot. "Where did (Y/N)-senpai go?" Aqua asked, Shion fists clenched but soon relaxed it. Shion held her anger in and turned to Aqua. "That beam of light, that was him leaving." Aqua tilted her head slightly. "Why did he leave?" She asked, much to Shion's annoyance. "We're heading back." Shion said in a commanding tone, Aqua nodded. "Un! I enjoyed this date of ours!" She gigled slightly as she let Shion drag her back to the office.

As they arrived, Shion saw (Y/N) talking to Yagooo, which made the witch worried. "I have a stream! I gotta go before I'm late!" Aqua said as she rushed back to her rec studio.

Shion sighed in frustration before looking back towards Yagoo, to her shock. (Y/N) was gone. Shion ran up to Yagoo. "Oi! Old man! Where did senpai go?" Shion asked. "Oh, he requested transfer to Holostars. Said he wants to pull some attention to the boys, also said he wants to stay away from someone? He didn't really told me much." Shion's eyes widen, she stumbled back a bit before running towards the dorms of the office. Running past everyone else's room, she turned the corner and saw (Y/N)'s door open. She slowed down and peeked inside, seeing him packing his things up.

"(Y/N) lis-" She was cut off when he disappeared. "Damn it!" She grunted as she sped walk out of the dorms. Seeing some of her kouhais approaching, she decided to push past them and ran towards the Holostar dorms. She slowly stopped in her tracks, realizing that the Holostars doesn't even have a dorm. As it dawned on her, she immediately made her way to A-chan's desk. Without Shion saying anything, A-chan handed her a piece of paper, Shion looked down confused and realized it was (Y/N)'s address.

A blue circle formed under her. She disappeared and reappeared in the middle of (Y/N)'s room, as she did. She accidentally dispelled an illusion. Once she saw the room, her eyes widened as she saw bottles of alcohol and rum littering the room. "Welcome to my room."  A voice rang out, Shion turned and saw (Y/N), her eyes widened as she saw his state. He was extremely skinny and his eyes were sunken. "W-what?" The boy chuckled as he sat up. "Now you see me." Shion's mouth was agape as she finally saw what (Y/N) looked like after all these years of being close with him. She always wondered why he had a mysterious purple aura surrounding him. Now she realized why, he has a illusion on him.

Shion fell to her knees, seeing the state of her bestfriend. "W-wha. W-why?! Why didn't you tell me?!" The boy shrugged and chugged another bottle of alcohol, Shion's hand reached out. The bottle disappeared from his hand, much to his annoyance and dismay.

Shion approached him and slapped him hard. He chuckled as he rubbed the cheek that was slapped, he looked back to Shion and to his surprise, got a inexperienced but a passionate kiss from Shion.

He soon melted into the kiss and started to kiss back. After a good while, Shion pulled away, a string of saliva was left. Both were panting slightly as they stared into each others eyes. Shion blushed extremely hard, a smug smile crept on her face. "T-take that you asshat! You finally gonna notice me or are you gonn continue chasing after her?!" Shion yelled angrily at him. He chuckled and dropped his head down. "How long?"

Shion scoffed and crossed her arms. "Too damn long!" (Y/N) chuckled and snaked his arm around Shion's waist and pulled her close, hugging her. He rested his head around Shion's. Chest. And tried to get comfy. "Hm.. Strange, am I hugging a wall?" Shion pulled away and slapped his chest. "Oi! Asshole! At least I don't smell!" Both chuckled as Shion snapped her fingers, the room was now clean and the molds were gone. "Lazy or shower?" She asked. "Lazy." He replied back which made Shion sigh. She snapped her fingers again, now (Y/N) was fully clean. "Sheesh! You're like a typical lazy husband I see in my mangas!" A smirk formed on his face. "Are? You see me as a husband?" Shion nodded. "Duh! Of course I do! Yo-" She stopped, a blush immediately slashed across her face and slapped him as hard as she can. "SHUT UP!"

The following day, Shion and (Y/N) were eating lunch in the cafeteria. "What about Aqua?" He asked, Shion rose her brow before getting what he means. "Marine finally made a move on her, she finally realized that she misplaced her feelings on me." (Y/N) chuckled as he rubbed his face. "Those two have been flirting a lot and Aqua still misplaced her feelings?" Shion shrugged as she finished her yogurt and tossed it to the side, it magically appeared in the trash. "Baqua." "Ah, right." Both chuckled, Shion unconsciously admired the man in front of her. She let out a content sigh as she continued staring, having a goofy smile plastered on her face. "Take a pic, it'll last longer." Shion hummed and took her phone out and took a picture. "You're right." She replied.


"OI!" Her face was now beet red aa she realized what she did. "Heh, well at least you finally got a pic of me." Shion scoffed and looked away, secretly making his picture into her wallpaper. She smiled briefly. "Not bad for a wallpaper." He snorted as he looked at Shion.


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