Trouble In The Office

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A-chan was doing her rounds around the office, making sure that the Holostars cleanes their mess after celebrating something that A-chan wasn't informed but Yagoo knew so she couldn't really complain. As she the room, she immediately turned right. Fixing her glasses slightly, she sighed in annoyance as she heard screaming, she began picking her pace and followed the noises.

Taking a good while for her to find the source of the screaming, she finally arrived and when she did, her eyes widen in shock and.. Jealousy? "Oi! What on Earth is happening here?!" She yelled out but squeaked the last part out. Marine ran up to her and immediately grabbed both her hands and dragged her to the sofa. "A-chan! Meet (Y/N)! The little brother of Aki-senpai!" A-chan's brow rose as she looked at (Y/N), a blush immediately appeared on her face and immediately looked away. "They don't look alike." A-chan's voice pitched a bit, making Marine smirk and crossed her arms. "Ara~ Tsk tsk A-chan, he's only 8~!" Marine said in a teasing way while she pointed at A-chan, giggling.

A-chan was flustered and used the clipboard she's carrying to cover her face. "Shut up! You have a 3d stream with Pekora, move it!" A-chan ordered and Marine held her hands up. "Moou, I don't trust you with (Y/N)-kun~" She cooed and the same time, pinching (Y/N)'s cheeks which made the boy giggle and groan. A-chan glared at Marine but quickly composed herself as soon as she saw the boy look at her direction.

Bidding farewell, Marine left, leaving A-chan and the boy alone, A-chan swallowed the lump in her throat as she was now stuck to babysit this boy. At the corner of her eyes, she saw the boy playing with some blocks and toy cars. In truth, A-chan was shocked that the boy wasn't playing with a phone or something advanced since his sister is Aki, it was a pleasant surprise for her since all the kids she's seen so far are so indulged with their phones. As she continued eyeing the boy, he suddenly stood and ran over to the window, A-chan immediately gave chase, fearing the boy will suddenly jump, but to her relief, he stopped and stared out to the window.

A-chan slowed down and walked towards the window and stared out as well, she let out a sigh but then giggled afterwards as she saw Coco flying away. Looking down, she saw Gen 4 waving to Coco, A-chan winced slightly and backed away from fhe window. The boy sensed A-chan's sadness and immediately turned and looked at her, A-chan didn't feel anything when the boy stared at her. Her eyelids closed slightly before walking back towards the couch. "Neechan?" The boy asked as he followed A-chan towards the couch.

As the noon passed, the boy was now seen with Matsuri. Surprisingly, she was behaving well. It even unnerved Marine, Ayame and Mio at how well behaved Matsuri is. At first, they panicked but seeing as how Matsuri was just spoiling him with food and sweets, they relaxed a bit but Mio kept her eye on the two, knowing Matsuri.

Mio immediately scrambled off from her seat the moment she saw a blush come across Matsuri's face. "Don't take him away! I haven't done anything!" Matsuri yelled out as Mio ran away and ran into her room. "What am I to do.." Mio muttered out as she sst (Y/N) down on her chair then knelt down. "(Y/N)? I need you to stay here okay? I'll go and grab food for us. You can use my computer, what do you wanna do?" (Y/N) hummed before seating up and pointed at the browser. "I wanna watch!" Mio nodded and held in a giggle and resisted the urge to spoil him due to how adorable he was.

With Mio opening the browser and Youtube, she left the boy on his own devices. Making sure she locked her door, she left and went om to the cafeteria.

As she left, Coco appeared behind a pillar smirking. "This should be fun!"

As Mio grabbed her and his tray, her tail immediately tightened on her leg. Mio immediately dropped the trays on the table and immediately ran back to her room. Seeing her door kicked open, she immediately sped up and to her horror. Or. Surprise? Coco was sitting down with him on her lap and playing Minecraft. "Kaichou?!" Coco's head turned and smiled. "Yo! Just teaching him Minecraft! Kids nowadays enjoys Minecraft!" She smiled and continued teaching him, Mio lets out a sigh of relief before leaving the two alone.

Coco smirked as she alt tabbed and the screen showed AsaCoco.

"A-CHAN HEEELP!" A certain pirate yelled out as she continued running away. "HEEEEEEELP!" She yelled out more before she bumped Sora. "SORA-SENPAI! HELP! AKI-SENPAI IS CHASING ME!" Marine begged and Sora was baffled. "Why's she chasing you?!" Marine looked at Sora with desperation. "I-I.. Er.. Kinda lost (Y/N).. Eheh.." Sora's eyes widen as she immediately grabbed Marine's wrist and ran towards the cafeteria. "Where, when and how?!" Sora immediately questioned her.

"I had to leave Sora-senpai! I left him. With A-chan but she doesn't have him anymore!" Sora sighed and massaged her forehead. "We mus-" The two stumbled as the door was kicked open. "WHERE IS HE MARINE?!" Aki yelled out and Marine immediately ran behind Sora. "I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW!"

"Oneechan! I'm here!" A young boy's voice caught everyone's attention, Aki's face softened and turned and smiled widely. "Ara, there he is~!" Aki knelt immediately and a boy came and hugged her tightly. "You're back! You're back!" He said joyously and Aki could only giggle and pick him up. "Let's head back~" The boy nodded and the siblings made their way to the exit.

Marine stood there baffled as she looked on to Sora who was smiling nervously. "That's Aki-chan for you, Marine-chan. Overprotective since he's the last one she can call family of blood." Sora explained and Marine could only nod and sat down on a seat while holding her head. "I don't even know..?" Marine muttered. "Just live with it." Sora giggled as she sat in front of Marine. "It's Hololive."

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